Online ISSN : 1881-8161
Print ISSN : 1340-4210
ISSN-L : 1340-4210
新千里東町の「ひがしまち街角広場」の利用実態と利用者意識について : 高齢社会に対応したコミュニティ施設の整備手法に関する研究
張 海燕柏原 士郎吉村 英祐横田 隆司飯田 匡
ジャーナル フリー

2005 年 70 巻 589 号 p. 25-32

Interviews were given to the visitors and the managing staffs of Machikado-hiroba which utilize a vacant shop in the neighborhood center. The findings are as follows. 1) More than half of the visitors are over 65 years old. The majority of visitors live within 400m from Machikado-hiroba and they come mainly on foot. 2) Machikado-hiroba plays an important role as a new communication place for the visitors, especially for the aged. 3) They use the neighborhood center more frequently than before the opening of Machikado-hiroba. 4) It is necessary to accept the need of visitors and to increase the number of younger visitors.
© 2005 日本建築学会
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