Online ISSN : 1881-8161
Print ISSN : 1340-4210
ISSN-L : 1340-4210
日々の実践としての場所のしつらえに関する考察 : 「ひがしまち街角広場」を対象として
田中 康裕鈴木 毅松原 茂樹奥 俊信木多 道宏
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 72 巻 620 号 p. 103-110

This article studies the arrangement of place on Higashimachi-Machikadohiroba. A method of this article is fieldwork such as interviews to volunteer and analysis of a journal. In this article, the arrangement of place is defined as following activities : preparing furniture and displaying, deciding rules, waiting on guests. This article clarified that Machikadohiroba is the place arranged not simultaneously but gradually, and that the daily arrangement of place has following features. (1)Not only the host but also the guest can regulate the daily arrangement of place. (2)Machikadohiroba is arranged by using things which is available for the host. (3)The daily arrangement of place is not prevention of the problems but managing the events. (4)The daily arrangement of place set community visible as a concomitant effect.
© 2007 日本建築学会
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