Formative process of “Higashimachi Machikado Hiroba” was specified by analyzing development of residential management system in the neighborhood unit of Senri New Town, conducting the interviews to the key persons. Outline of the findings are as followings;
1. Number of intermediate groups between local government and organizations for managing apartment complex, increased from the second period to the fourth one.
2. Intermediate groups have been solving the residential issues such as making groups, physical improvement, making rules, and managing events, by collaboration with other groups and key persons, especially during the fourth period.
3. “Higashimachi Machikado Hiroba” was actually established by the key persons with their experiences and human links, which were accumulated through their management of the residential environment.
4. “Higashimachi Machikado Hiroba” gave opportunities of establishment for new groups, which solved residential issues outside the neighborhood.