Online ISSN : 1881-8161
Print ISSN : 1340-4210
ISSN-L : 1340-4210
東南アジア・蒸暑気候地域における環境配慮型住宅地デザイン手法に関する研究 (その2)
斉藤 圭サイッド イスマイルラシディ モハマドヒシャム篠崎 道彦
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 78 巻 689 号 p. 1561-1567


The aim of this study is to investigate environmental situation surrounding terraced houses with greenery patterns, and to accumulate objective data and features in the new developed residential area in Malaysia. A computer microclimate simulation technique is applied by combining stored digital spatial data on GIS as main tools. As a results, i) There is almost no temperature changes between the current building shape and after changing the building aspect ratio without additional greening. However after green space added, some contributions for reducing surrounding temperature can be observed. ii) The relatively higher cooling effects of greenery in the surrounding building and block can be observed in the afternoon and evening. iii) Increasing approximately 11% green coverage ratio make effects of reducing about 0.5°C above the green spaces and about 0.3°C on the surrounding area.

© 2013 日本建築学会
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