Online ISSN : 2433-0043
Print ISSN : 0910-8017
ISSN-L : 0910-8017
大場 修
ジャーナル フリー

1987 年 376 巻 p. 137-149


Kawanisi-District of Tatuno-City Hyogo-pref. is a castle town, where has been organaized since the end of medieval ages. Wany townhouses have remained an ever, and they form historical townscape. Researching the townhouses in such sn old castle town, I prove the process of the organizasion of the townscape of Tatuno, and have mainly studied the architectural character and the process of development of the townhouses from the middle of the 18 th cent. The townhouses can be distinguished to some types in plan. The width of a frontage is the important factor to make a distinction of types. And the depth is also closely connected with the plan types. As a result of this, the tyipical plan type leis within own limit of scale in frontage and depth. With this mutual relation between house scale and plan type, I tried to analogize the general tendency of house scale and plan type at the end of the 18 th, using an old map made in 1798. The rented houses were 60 per-cent of the townhouses in this town, and most of them were very small scale. On the other hand, the one's own houses is larger than rented one, but in quantity the main current is the small townhouse having two room. Therefore the townscape of those days was const ructed by the small townhouses.

© 1987 一般社団法人日本建築学会
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