Analytical method to evaluate bond deterioration process in reinforced concrete members described in the part 1 of this report was applied to the pullout problems of beam reinforcements in cruciform beam-column joint specimens subjected to seismic loading. The details of analyzed specimens are almost the same except followings. A-D-F-specimen-column width is 30 cm (19 d ; d : Diameter of beam bar. ) C-specimen-column width is 30 cm, but beam longitudinal bars of the column width portion were induction heat-treated to prevent yielding. N-specimen-column width is 45 cm (28 d). 0-specimen-column width is 60 cm (37. 5 d). Moment-rotation characteristics of beam end hinges, pallouts of beamreinforcements, dislributions of bond stress-slip, steel stress-strain, concrete stress-strain, histories of steel strain and energy absorbing characteristics were discussed.