セッションID: 531

*MAI Thi Khanh Van金 枓哲
会議録・要旨集 フリー


This study explores the influence of international conservation schemes on wetland management in a developing country. Using Tram Chim National Park (TCNP) in Vietnam as a case study, a mixed-methods approach including in-depth interviews with 10 local conservation managers and semi-structured interviews with 30 community members is employed. Research results have shown that since 2003, international conservation schemes have acted as catalysts for reshaping Vietnam's wetland management policies, aiming to enhance community engagement and contribute to wetland’s conservation and sustainable utilization. The evolution of wetland management policies in Vietnam has transitioned from state-based management to co-management involving local communities. Nonetheless, these policy-level transformations have not been effectively translated into practical co-management or Wise Use practices. The resource use groups, conceived as part of co-management, yielded only transient gains in augmenting community participation in TCNP’s wetland management. The development of tourism as a manifestation of Wise Use practices has demonstrated only partial efficacy as the beneficiaries of local tourism did not include impoverished individuals relying on wetland resources. Despite the long-standing recognition of local communities’ role in wetland conservation due to international schemes and national policies, the execution of wetland management in the TCNP has remained entrenched in the fortress conservation paradigm without actively encouraging community participation in managing wetland resources. Based on the findings, this study concludes that without a fundamental shift in internal paradigms within the host country, international conservation endeavors can only generate transient co-management systems and incomplete Wise Use practices in developing countries such as Vietnam.

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