Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
小山 豪永山 稠
ジャーナル フリー

1955 年 8 巻 1 号 p. 139-148


Phosphate containing P32 was mixed with albumin and spread on an object glass. Then, before and after the action of histological fixatives the proportion of PO4 in the spread was determined with a GEIGER-MÜLLER's counter. It was found that alcohol and acetone can prevent P32 from going out, however after washing a large amount of P32 was removed. Lead salts made insoluble precipitation with PO4 and fixed P32 was not dissolved even by washing.
Under several fixatives which were made of formalin and metal salts one with lead salts, especially with 1% basic lead acetate had the best fixative effect in fixing PO4.
The precipitation made of phosphate and lead acetate in a test tube was found to be very fine. The reason why a very concentrated solution of basic lead acetate had less fixative effect may possibly due to the fact that it made a finer precipitation.

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