Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
8 巻, 1 号
  • 佐野 豊
    1955 年 8 巻 1 号 p. 1-6
    発行日: 1955/03/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    In einer Anzahl Vorderhornzellen im Lumbalmark der Vögel sind siderophil, eosinophil, azocarminophil usw. färbbare Neurosekrettröpfchen konstant vorhanden. Sie werden in einigen Fällen auch außer dem Zelleib beobachtet. Einige von den neurosekretorischen Vorderhornzellen werden von einer Kapillare durchbohrt. Das Gebiet, in welchem die neurosekretorischen Vorderhornzellen sich befinden, ist fast gleich mit dem Gebiet des Lumbalwulsts. Die Zellen des animalischen Nervensystems vermögen eine neurosekretorische Tätigkeit zu entfalten.
  • 高橋 秀夫
    1955 年 8 巻 1 号 p. 7-17
    発行日: 1955/03/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    中等極性で類脂溶性の染料であるビクトリア青の薄い懸濁液を小腸に入れると, これは先ず速かに二十日鼠の絨毛尖端部の上皮細胞の小皮を染め, 続いて細胞内の Golgi 装置と糸粒体を濃く染め, およそ核の高さで細胞の間隙に出て上皮下に向う. 染料はまた腸腔から直接に上皮細胞間の隙にも入り, 上者に加わる. ビクトリア青は上皮基底膜をあまり染めずに上皮下の結合組織に進み, 毛細血管壁を染め, 中心乳糜腔に吸收せられる.
    ビクトリア青に染められたレチチンを腸管に入れても前者と同じく一部は細胞内を, 一部は上皮細胞間を通過することが知られる. この際レチチンが細胞内に入るや, 先ず Golgi 装置が青染しつゝ肥厚し, 続いて Golgi 装置の上方にレチチンの小滴が現われ, この小滴は染料のみを注入した場合と同じく上皮基底部の細胞間に出される. この場合細胞間の隙を断続して下る小塊が見られ, これはビクトリア青懸濁液を注入したとき染料が細胞間を連続して下るのと違う.
    ビクトリア青とそれで染められたレチチンが上皮に進入するのは絨毛尖端部で最も容易である. 杯細胞の粘液, 絨毛基底部の上皮細胞, 陽陰窩の壁の細胞には殆んど入らない.
    大腸では表在上皮のみが上記のように染り得るが, その程度は遙かに弱い.
  • 河合 康史
    1955 年 8 巻 1 号 p. 19-45
    発行日: 1955/03/20
    公開日: 2009/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Minute processes of cell regeneration in rat renal tubules were observed, placing the principal object on the mitochondria in the cells of portio principalis. For this purpose potassium chromate or mercuric chroride was given less than their mortal dosage. Potassium chromate caused characteristic changes in the proximal part of portio principalis, but minor changes in its middle and distal part. Mercuric chroride, on the other hand, caused peculiar changes in the distal part while it caused minor changes in its middle and proximal part.
    Afterwards certain intoxicated cells became necrotic, while others recovered, and the loss of cells was supplied by mitosis.
  • 諏訪 喜一
    1955 年 8 巻 1 号 p. 47-79
    発行日: 1955/03/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    草食動物である家兎と肉食動物である猫の尿路と生殖器にある腺を除いて, 殆んど全身の主な腺の細胞の胞体と核が測定され比較観察された. 内分泌細胞の胞体と核は平均して猫よりも家兎に僅かながら大きい. 然るに内分泌細胞の核胞体比は猫に大きい. 即ち猫の内分泌腺細胞は比較的に大きい核を持つ. 内分泌細胞の胞体と核の大さの変異も亦猫に大きい. これは猫の内分泌系統が家兎のものよりも複雑に組成されているものと解せられる. 家兎のものに比べて猫の腺細胞の優越と複雑性は外分泌細胞に於て一層著しい. 即ち外分泌細胞の胞体も核も又核胞体比も平均して猫に大きい. 胞体と核の大さの変異も亦そうである. 次に内外分泌腺のすべての腺細胞につき概言するに, 平均して胞体の大さは両動物に大体等しいが, 核は家兎よりも猫に著しく大きいのである.
  • 粟屋 和彦, 池田 輝正, 田川 二秋
    1955 年 8 巻 1 号 p. 81-86
    発行日: 1955/03/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    In an attempt to determine whether depolymerized desoxyribonucleic acid, a product of decomposed lymphocyte nuclei, may produce plasmacellular response in lymph nodes or not, the following experiments were carried out: Different amounts of desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), i. e. 10mg and 2.5mg DNA dissolved in 1ml of physiological saline (pH was corrected by adding N/10-NaOH approximately to 7.0), were injected subcutaneously into the foot-pad of the right hind legs in a series of adult rabbits, and cellular response in the regional lymph nodes (popliteal nodes) was observed in sections. As control, 1ml of physiological saline was injected into the foot-pad of the left hind legs.
    Following DNA injection, a marked infiltration of pseudoeosinophilic leucocytes occurred in both the sites of injection and the regional lymph nodes within several hours, and then disappeared gradually after 48 hours. The plasmacytes which are normally present in the medullary cords of the nodes, also increased in number to some extent, coincident with the infiltration of pseudoeosinophiles. But their increase was not significant as compared with the controls, because injection of physiological saline alone produced a similar increase of plasmacytes (Tables 1 and 2). The cellular response in the sites of injection was almost the same as observed in the regional lymph nodes.
    It is concluded from these findings that depolymerized DNA, a product of decomposed lymphocyte nuclei, cannot be regarded as a primary factor to produce plasmacytic reaction in lymph nodes.
  • 藤井 俊策
    1955 年 8 巻 1 号 p. 87-98
    発行日: 1955/03/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Die Veränderungen der submikroskopischen Ultrastrukturdichte des Hühnereiweißes und des Hodengewebes der Maus nach der Fixierung in wassermischbaren nichtwässrigen Flüssigkeiten wurden mit Hilfe der Azanfärbung untersucht. Die Flüssigkeit, die etwa mehr als 66%igen Methylalkohol, 57%igen Äthylalkohol, 57%igen iso-Propylalkohol, 33% igen Butylalkohol bzw. 50%iges Aceton enthält, verdichtet die Ultrastruktur der Substrate, eine schwächere Flüssigkeit aber lockert sie auf. Ihr Schwellenwert für die Verdichtung ist bei: Butylalkohol<Aceton <iso-Propylalkohol<Äthylalkohol<Methylalkohol. Diese Reihenfolge deckt sich mit derjenigen der Dielektrizitätskonstante.
    Am meisten auf die Substrate verdichtend wirkt Methylalkohol bei 90-70%, Äthylalkohol bei 90-70%, iso-Propylalkohol bei 90-70%, Butylalkohol bei 90-80% und Aceton bei. 90-60%. Diese nichtwässerigen Flüssigkeiten wirken also, wenn sie Wasser 10-30%ig enthalten, auf die Struktur der Substrate am stärksten verdichtend. Die Verdichtung ist zweifelsohne die Folge der Dehydratation. Die Substrate werden aber durch höher prozentige Flüssigkeiten merkwürdigerweise nicht so stark verdichtet, weil wahrscheinlich aus ihnen viele Lipoide herausgelöst werden. Durch niedriger prozentige Flüssigkeiten werden sie auch weniger verdichtet, weil offenbar der Dehydratatinoseffekt der Flüssigkeiten schwächer ist.
    Die Schnelligkeit der Verdichtung erfolgt in folgender Reihenfolge: Methylalkohol=Äthylalkohol>Aceton>Butylalkohol=iso-Propylalkohol. Diese Reihenfolge stimmt mit der der Schnelligkeit des Eindringens der Flüssigkeiten in tierische Gewebe überein.
  • 田中 稠久
    1955 年 8 巻 1 号 p. 99-137
    発行日: 1955/03/20
    公開日: 2009/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    When buffer nerves are cut in rabbits the adrenal cortex shows a similar finding as after injection ACTH, even after two months. That is, the cells of zona fasciculata becomes small, there is a remarkable appearance of dark tone cells, the sinusoids widens, crevises appears, and there is a decrease of lipoid in the zona fasciculata. Furthermore, the number of cells named after their characteristic micro-structure, type I, II, III and IV becomes about the same. With a simple operative procedure the findings in the adrenal cortex return to its normal condition within a month.
    The point is, sectioning buffer nerves does not just temporary activate the function of the adrenal cortex, as injecting ACTH or operative procedures, but is characteristic by influencing the cortical cells for a long period.
  • 小山 豪, 永山 稠
    1955 年 8 巻 1 号 p. 139-148
    発行日: 1955/03/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Phosphate containing P32 was mixed with albumin and spread on an object glass. Then, before and after the action of histological fixatives the proportion of PO4 in the spread was determined with a GEIGER-MÜLLER's counter. It was found that alcohol and acetone can prevent P32 from going out, however after washing a large amount of P32 was removed. Lead salts made insoluble precipitation with PO4 and fixed P32 was not dissolved even by washing.
    Under several fixatives which were made of formalin and metal salts one with lead salts, especially with 1% basic lead acetate had the best fixative effect in fixing PO4.
    The precipitation made of phosphate and lead acetate in a test tube was found to be very fine. The reason why a very concentrated solution of basic lead acetate had less fixative effect may possibly due to the fact that it made a finer precipitation.
  • 三井 康夫
    1955 年 8 巻 1 号 p. 149-155
    発行日: 1955/03/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    加熱して殺した大腸菌の浮游液を二十日鼠の背部の皮下に注射し, 4時間後にそこの結合組織を取り, 位相差顕微鏡で観察した. 大腸菌を胞食した線組球 (線維細胞と組織球の移行形) では核が漸次球形化して縮小する. 胞体の突起が短縮し, 細胞表面がゆるやかに小さく波打ち, 杆状の糸粒体は比較的速かにすべて球形化する. かくして線組球は組織球と呼ばれるべき形に変態する. 胞食された菌の周りには小空胞が出来て, 漸次互いに融合して増大し, 菌を包み, 中には胞体の表面に突出する程に大きくなるものがある. 胞形質のその他の部にも空胞が出来るが, 特に球形化した核の周りには小空胞が多くて一様に明るく見える. 甚だ大きくなった空胞が核の一側を圧してそこを陥凹させることがある. 空胞内の大腸菌は膨潤して太くなり, 短くなる.
  • 莨谷 福吉
    1955 年 8 巻 1 号 p. 157-193
    発行日: 1955/03/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Two drugs from various ones, which inhibits enzyme reactions, were chosen to study the changes of the micro-structures in the liver cells. One was dinitrophenol, which hinders oxidation of fat acid and the other was potassium arsenite which hinders the production of adenosin triphosphate. The results were as follows:
    1. When rats were fed during their hunger period an increase in the metabolism and changes in the micro-structure of liver cells were seen. At this time, if dinitrophenol was injected, the appearance of fat was delayed, its amount lessened, and also remained for a longer period. The changes concering the increase of ribonucleic acid and the movement of GOLGI-apparatus disappeared much earlier. The degree of thickening of mitochondria was quite small and granulation was also light. From these findings it was found that the metabolism in the liver cells was dirturbed. It is presumed that this was caused by the hinderance of dinitrophenol in the enzyme action of mitochondria.
    2. When secretion of bile was increased by injecting dehydrocholic acid into rats during their fasting period the GOLGI apparatus and the mitochondria in one difinite area showed characteristic morphological changes. But when dinitrophenol was injected these changes were much lighter. From the fact that the degree of widening the calibre of bile capillaries was much smaller and the amount of appearance of fat decreased and from other findings it was presumed that the secretion of bile was hindered. Therefore, it is thought that the production of bile is from enzymic action in the liver cells.
    3. When arsen is used after feeding, the appearance of fat, glycogen, and ribonucleic acid is different from normal state. That is, an injection of small amounts of arsenite delays the appearance of liver fat. Its also decreases its amount and disappears easily. The amount of glycogen also decreases and there are no increase in the lumps of ribonucleic acid, but rather a decrease. From these facts it is presumed there is a disturbance in the metabolism of fat, sugar and protein. Furthermore, the thickening and granulating of mitochondria are greatly depressed. As the mitochondria is thinner and the granulation smaller than its control, it can be thought to be a proof that the activity of mitochondria is depressed.
    4. The changes in the liver cells caused by injection of dehydrocholic acid is much lighter than that by arsenite. That is, the widening of the calibre of bile capillaries is of much lighter degree, and the clear part in its surrounding is smaller. The radial arrangement of mitochondria seems to be also indefinite in that area. The appearance of fat is delayed and small in amount. Fragmentation of GOLGI-apparatus does not occur so definitely. These findings show that there is a definite decrease in the secretion of bile.
    From the above given fact, the process of matabolism in the liver cells after feeding and the production of bile after injection of dehydrocholic acid are all performed by enzymic activity in the cells. And it is thought that it is caused by the activity of mitochondria. Bile secretion also have an intimate relation with GOLGI-apparatus. It may be thought that GOLGI-apparatus may have an enzymic function.