Online ISSN : 1882-0654
Print ISSN : 0009-918X
ISSN-L : 0009-918X
平賀 陽之
ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

2023 年 63 巻 5 号 p. 305-313




Case reports are designed for sharing a clinician’s personal experiences and providing readers with useful information on the insights and pitfalls of clinical practice. They require appropriate case selections, satisfactory literature searches, accurate case reporting, targeted journal submission, and effective responses to the reviewers. This sequential process provides a great learning experience for young physicians and can kickstart their academic/scientific careers. The first steps to writing a case report are that a clinician should always note the pathogenesis and anatomy of their patients. Consider the atypical character of their patient; make it a daily habit to research the relevant literature. Clinicians should remember that case reports should not focus only on the rarity of a disease. A reportable case needs to provide a clear “learning point.” A well-written case report should be clear, concise, coherent, and convey a crisp take-home message for the reader.




症例報告のエビデンスレベルは高くない24)~6Fig. 1).しかし,症例報告はエビデンスの出発点でもあり4,多くの新しい疾患と治療が症例報告として初めて報告されている7.また,個人の経験には限界があるため,症例の経験を共有できる利点がある28.症例報告は,経験の共有により日常診療における洞察や落とし穴などの有益な情報を読者に提供してくれる.さらに,症例報告の執筆は,臨床医としての訓練と医学研究の重要な教育機会となる9.筆者は,症例報告では学会発表とは比較にならないほどの深い考察が必要と考えている.立案,指導医との議論,文献の検索,執筆,査読者とのやり取りを通して多くの考え方と知識を得られ,臨床力を向上できる.筆者は,症例報告は臨床医に必須の教養と考えている.

Fig. 1 The hierarchy of evidence.

Meta-analyses and systematic reviews occupy the apex of the evidence-based medicine pyramid; case reports form its base. The evidence-based medicine pyramid shown does not include expert opinions and animal studies.


症例報告には明確な「学ぶ点」(learning point)が必要である.稀という点のみの症例報告を避けるのが重要である138.稀な症例の記録も必要だが,現代では真の新しい症例は極めて稀で,限られた臨床医しか興味を示さない10.腫瘍学の英文雑誌でも,稀な疾患よりも治療や副作用に関する症例報告が採択されやすい11.明確なメッセージがある症例報告が最もよい412)~14.報告に値する症例146)~81013)~19Table 1に示す.表には記載していないが,神経症候と画像の対応も症例報告の一つの型である.筆者の経験では,市中病院で経験する報告に値する症例は「よくある疾患の非典型的な臨床像」(Table 1,A-2)が多い.この場合,稀さだけをメッセージにはせず,症例からの学びや教訓をメッセージとするように心がける.日常診療における落とし穴を回避する方法,病態の示唆,学説や理論に対する問題の提起や反証,これまで見逃されてきた可能性,神経解剖の理解に貢献などをメッセージとするとよい.

Table 1  Possible reportable cases.
(A) Diagnosis-related
  1. Original condition or new disease that has not been described previously
  2. Unusual, unexpected, or previously unknown presentation or complication of a known or common disease
  3. Unusual, atypical, or new etiology of a disease
  4. New associations or variations in disease processes
  5. Unexpected association between two diseases or symptoms
  6. A new diagnostic point
  7. A new diagnostic method, procedure, or technique
  8. Presentations, diagnosis, and/or management of a new and emerging disease
  9. Phenotypes associated with a newly found gene
 10. Evidence that suggests a new mechanism or pathogenesis for a disease
(B) Management-related*
  1. New or improved treatment type or modality
  2. New approach for managing a common condition
  3. Effect of a treatment regime of one condition on another disease
  4. Novel or useful approach to managing patients with complex chronic conditions
  5. Unreported or unusual adverse effects, interactions, or complications of medications or procedures
  6. Unexpected beneficial responses to a conventional treatment
  7. Unexpected event in the course of observing or treating a patient

The themes of the learning points and educational messages are to: (I) raise awareness, so that a diagnosis may be made more readily in the future; (II) shed new light on the possible etiology/pathogenesis of a condition or complication; (III) illustrate a new principle or support/refute a current theory; (IV) elucidate a previously misunderstood clinical condition or response to treatment; and (V) provide information or suggestions on how a problem can be anticipated and avoided in the future8). *For management-related case reports, ethics approval from ethical committee or institutional review board should be obtained when needed.



筆者は,症例報告には以下の3点が重要と考えている.1,好奇心を持つ.2,担当する患者の病態,神経解剖,そして典型的ではない点をよく考える.3,文献を検索する習慣を持つ.また,多くの症例報告を読むのも大切である5.興味深い症例に出会ったら,十分に検査をしているかを確認して,同意書を取得しておく12.初学者では報告の価値があるかの判断が難しいため,よい指導医の教えを受ける必要がある5.十分に文献を検索し,指導医と議論して報告の価値があると判断したら早めに執筆を開始する.Fig. 2に症例の経験から投稿まで,Fig. 3に投稿から出版までの過程を示す.

Fig. 2 The process of writing a case report.

After the case experience, consider and discuss with your mentor the reportability of the case, and perform a literature search. If the case is reportable, obtain informed consent from the patient(s). Collect the necessary information, including images. Select an appropriate target journal. Start by writing the case description, followed by the discussion/conclusion, introduction, and abstract; if needed, prepare figures/tables. Format the manuscript according to target journal’s author guidelines. After a first draft is written, edit and revise the manuscript repeatedly and carefully. Send the draft to the co-authors so that they can review and revise the manuscript. The manuscript will also need native English editing. Finally, recheck that the manuscript follows the journal guidelines, and submit it.

Fig. 3 Flowchart of the editorial process for a submitted case report.

All PubMed journals must use an online submission system. To submit a case report, an author must create an account for the journal’s submission system in order to access their author center. Before a submitted paper goes to the editor-in-chief, articles are checked for technical elements by the editorial office. If an author does not follow the target journal guidelines properly, which includes having the appropriate image quality and required attached files, the editorial office may send it back to the author center. After the editorial office’s check, a submitted paper will be subjected to a brief editorial review. This is to determine whether it is suitable for the journal and relevant to the journal’s scope and readership. After the initial evaluation, if the editors decide the manuscript is unsuitable for publication, or to not consider it further, the manuscript is rejected (an “editor’s kick”). If the journal editors feel the article is potentially suitable for publication, the manuscript is sent to 2–3 reviewers. These reviewers are considered experts in the topic and will peer-review the manuscript. Some journals may request that authors suggest potential reviewers. After peer-review, the manuscript is sent back to the journal editors. If the reviewers’ recommendations are divided regarding the acceptance, the editors may send the manuscript to an additional reviewer.

After peer-review, editors’ decisions generally fall into one of four categories: (I) acceptance without revision, (II) major revisions required, (III) minor revisions required, or (IV) rejection. Acceptance without revision is extremely rare for case reports. Many case reports are rejected in the first peer-review process; some journals may recommend transferring the submission of a rejected manuscript to another journal by the same publisher (e.g., Elsevier). If the editors decide the manuscript can be reconsidered for publication after revision, the manuscript is sent to the author center with the reviewers’ comments. The authors then revise the manuscript appropriately and provide detailed point-by-point responses to each comment from the reviewers. The authors then resubmit the revised manuscript to the editors with a letter of response for the reviewers. The editors will have the revised manuscript reviewed again; this does not guarantee acceptance of the revised manuscript. The process of reviewers suggesting changes and the authors revising the manuscript is often repeated. If the editors find the author’s revisions satisfactory, and the manuscript is suitable for publication, the editors then decide whether to accept the manuscript. Once accepted, the paper is sent to the publisher. The authors will receive a copyright transfer form and a proof of their manuscript to review and finalize for publication.




症例報告は,表題,要旨,序論,症例記述,考察と結論,図と表,文献で構成される.表題と要旨はPubMedで誰でも見られるので特に重要である.症例報告をレター形式とする雑誌では要旨は不要である.以下にそれぞれの項目を解説する.なお,Cephalalgiaなど一部の雑誌では,The CARE guidelineという症例報告のガイドラインに則る必要がある.英文の症例報告では,本文は800語または1,000語以内の指定が多い.字数の制限がない雑誌もあるが,短く簡潔な記載が重要である.査読者としての筆者の経験からは,序論と考察に長々と一般論を記載する間違いが多い.


表題は,簡潔2で,説得力があり10,読者の目を引く1713141722必要がある.和文ではほとんどの症例報告で「1‍例」が表題に含まれる.英文の症例報告では,雑誌の規定や立場により,表題に「case report」と記載する場合31017)~1922と,しない場合12がある.表題には略語を用いない18が,よく知られている略語は認められる場合がある.





















筆者が考える重要な「避けるべき表現」は二つである.一つは「稀で貴重と考えられたので報告した」である.これは日本人に特有の表現と思われ,英文の症例報告ではまず見かけない.もう一つは,「世界初」の主張である.症例報告で避けるべき表現と英文の注意点をTable 2に示す.その他,序論と要旨における「文献的考察を加えて報告する」の記載も不要である.

Table 2  Points for good English writing and aspects to avoid when writing case reports.
1. Writing should be concise and clear
  The ABC of writing (accurate, brief, and clear) is also applicable to case reports17).
  Overly complicated vocabulary, excessive use of acronyms and jargons, and superfluous paragraphs should be avoided28).
  A single sentence should express a single thought26).
  Redundant words/phrases should be avoided23)26).
  To avoid using long sentences, split them into two. A sentence up to 20 words is the easiest to read26).
2. Avoid negative sentences30)
  Positive sentences are easier to understand and more direct than negative ones.
3. Avoid the verb “be”23)30)
  The verb “be” weakens a sentence. Use action verbs rather than the verb forms of “be” where possible.
4. Use of active voice23)25)30)
  Use active voice rather than passive voice where possible. Passive voice tends to make statements long and vague, whereas active voice conveys the message more readily. Most sentences (approximately 70%) of your case report should be in the active voice23).
5. Avoid claiming that your case report is the first of its kind10)17)22)
  Authors should always avoid the claim of the first publication because your literature search strategy may not have been systematic or comprehensive, due to which you were unable to find previous similar cases reported in the literature. Thus, avoid using “the first report” or “new syndrome” when referring to your case report.
6. Avoid using phrases such as “case report and literature review”1)2)19)21) and “unique case” or “first report of” in the title2)17)
  “Case report and literature review” is a redundant phrase. Case reports and literature reviews are two distinctly different article categories that provide two different types of information. Although a concise overview of pertinent literature is necessary in case reports, a full-scale literature review is irrelevant to the clinical question and purpose of case reports. Moreover, it contradicts the critical need for the case report to be brief.
  Additionally, the use of “unique case” or “first report of” in the title should be avoided because it may come across as ostentatious.
7. Avoid “valuable/worthful case” (Personal opinion)
  Sentences such as “We report this case because it is a very rare, worthful case.” can be seen in case reports published in Japanese literature. The worth of your case cannot be determined by “the author’s claim,” but it can be established by editors, reviewers, and readers of the case report and by relevant history.
8. Avoid “author et al.” in the main text (Personal opinion of the editor-in-chief of a specific journal)
  In case reports, avoid active citations in the main text such as “author et al.” (e.g., Yamada et al. reported) or “author and colleagues,” except for historically significant individuals (e.g., Charles Miller Fisher).





投稿された論文は,採択,微修正,大幅修正,却下の四つの返事になる(Fig. 3).修正となった場合の再投稿の期限はさまざまだが,なるべく早期に対応する.修正の返事であっても対応次第で却下される.査読者への返事は,論文が改善する御礼を手短に述べた後,一つ一つの指摘に修正点を返答する.再投稿では,査読者へのコメントと原稿の両方を提出する.雑誌によっては,原稿の修正点を黄色マーカーや赤字で強調する必要がある.症例は時間を戻せないので,やっていない検査はそう答えるしかない.しかし,筆者の経験では,査読者からの指摘には原稿に何らかの修正を加えたほうがよい.例えば,「A病の除外のために○○検査をしているか?」という指摘で,実際には未施行の場合である.この場合,「重要な指摘に感謝する.○○検査はしていないが,△△の理由からA病は否定的である.限界に記載した」という内容で返答するとよい.的外れの指摘にはなるべく文献を引用して科学的に答える.査読者ではなく編集者が採否を決定する.そのため,査読者の背後にいる編集者を意識して返答する.査読者2名の指摘が相反して迷う場合や,要求に全て対応すると文献数や文字数が規定を超過する場合がある.その場合は,「査読者の指摘に答えるために修正したが,編集者の判断にまかせる」と記載するとよい.筆者の経験では,文献数が規定よりも一つ程度増えるのは許容される.





論文が却下される理由5101429Table 3にまとめる.ここから学べる採択されるコツは,適切な症例の選択,正確な用語と文章,投稿規定の順守,症例の管理に問題がないかの確認,投稿する雑誌で同様の症例が発表されていないかの確認,査読への誠実な対応,盗用は厳禁である.

Table 3  Reasons for the rejection of case reports.
Theme Examples
Too common Topic has been well reported, documented, and studied previously
No new perspective
Tunnel vision
Too rare The condition is too rare; readers are unlikely to encounter it (usually indicates a mismatch with the readership)
Non-compliances of authors Failure to submit revised manuscripts (the author did not meet deadline of resubmission)
Authors did only a few corrections that were suggested by the reviewers
Plagiarism Case report in which the case was new and unique; however, the introduction and discussion are heavily plagiarized
Received same topic and published The same case topic has already been published recently by the journal
Poor writing Poor English language or the manuscript format does not conform to journal guidelines
Incomplete case Case is incomplete, insufficient data or discussion, or incomplete references
Non-valuable gene mutation New gene mutation but with no clinical relevance
Medical mismanagement Diagnosis was wrong, too obvious, or not all differential diagnoses were ruled out
Diagnosis was not robust or required tests not performed
The treatment appears unconventional (unjustified management)
Poor patient management
Ethical issues Patient consent and de-identification missing
Authorship problem
No learning points No learning or teaching point/value, unclear or wrong message
Inadequate focus


以上,症例報告について概説した.自身の症例報告を振り返ると,本稿で記載した内容に合致していない論文も多い.自戒をこめて,症例報告のコツをTable 4にまとめる.表のとおり,よい症例報告は,明確,簡潔で首尾一貫しており,歯切れのよいメッセージを読者に伝えてくれる(Csルール).

Table 4  Ten tips on writing case reports.
 1. Understand the reportability of the case
  Do not focus only on rarity. Case reports should have clear learning points (take-home messages).
 2. Remember “the rule of Cs”
  The case report should be Clear, Concise, Coherent, and must Convey a Crisp message3).
  Moreover, you should obtain Consent, and the care of your patient should be Competent and Compassionate18).
 3. Why are you reporting this case?
  The introduction should include what is known on this topic, what is unknown, and the importance of your case. Why you are reporting this case?
 4. Have a concise and clear case description
  The case description should be chronological, concise, include necessary findings for a clear diagnosis, and rule out all different diagnoses even if they are negative findings.
 5. Provide a clear learning point
  In the discussion/conclusion section, focus on how this case provides novel/useful information compared to other reports on this topic. The conclusion should reflect the flow of the discussion. What lessons were learned from this case? Avoid over-generalization based on a single case report.
 6. Pay attention to daily medical practice
  Always consider the pathogenesis, anatomy, and atypical character of your case in daily medical practice. Make it habit to research literature for the cases you encounter in daily practice.
 7. Get a good mentor
  Get a good mentor/instructor to help you with writing the case report.
 8. Get started as soon as possible
  If you come across a reportable case, obtain informed consent quickly and collect all necessary medical information during patient follow-up. Start writing as soon as possible. Your motivation for writing the case report may decrease over time.
 9. Follow the journal guidelines
  Carefully read and follow the author guidelines of the target journal, especially its reference style.
10. Just write the first paper!
  Above all, see the entire process as a learning experience (case selection, literature search, writing, reviewing, and submission). You may experience so-called growing pains (Umino-Kurushimi in Japanese) while writing a case report for the first time. The second one is much easier than the first. The novel experience of having your case report accepted and published will increase your motivation for writing the next one.

今回,文献を検索する過程で,症例報告を書く理由の一つに「to amuse」があるという記載12を発見した.読者を楽しませる症例報告を執筆できれば最高だろう.最初の症例報告が採択されるまでには多くの時間と労力を要する.それでも,若い医師には症例の「学ぶ点」を見つける楽しさと,自分の論文が世にでる嬉しさを経験してほしい.本稿がその一助となれば幸いである.





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