Dental Materials Journal
Online ISSN : 1881-1361
Print ISSN : 0287-4547
ISSN-L : 0287-4547
Original Paper
Can hypochlorous acid be a powerful sanitizer to replace alcohol for disinfection ? —Its bactericidal, degradation of the solutions under various storage condition, and steel rust effects
Takashi KAMEDAShunya OKAJun-ichi IGAWAMakoto SAKAMOTOKazuto TERADA
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 167-183


Coronavirus disease pandemic has led to a shortage of disinfectant alcohol (DA; 76.9–81.4% ethanol solution) in Japan. This study investigated the availability of hypochlorous acid (HA) as an alternative disinfectant to DA in clinical environment. HA is a safe and economical disinfectant with a broad antibacterial spectrum and low risk of hand irritation, which is used worldwide. In this study, HA and sodium hypochlorite solution (SH) were degraded over time and the degradation was accelerated by temperature and lighting. Results of bactericidal effects of HA revealed that the realistic effective concentration should be 200 ppm. Compared with DA, the dental carbon steel burs were more severely rusted by SH and HA. These results indicated that high concentration of HA generated on-site could be an effective and safe disinfectant for use immediately after generation with consideration of object materials in clinical environment, as an alternative to DA.

© 2022 The Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices