IEICE Electronics Express
Online ISSN : 1349-2543
ISSN-L : 1349-2543
Versatile voltage-mode multifunction biquadratic filter employing DDCCs
H. P. ChenP. L. Chu
Author information

2008 Volume 5 Issue 18 Pages 769-775


A new versatile voltage-mode biquadratic with four inputs and four outputs using two differential difference current conveyors(DDCCs), two grounded capacitors, and two resistors is proposed. The proposed circuit can act as a multifunction voltage-mode filter with one or three inputs and four outputs and can simultaneous realization of voltage-mode notch, highpass, bandpass and lowpass filter signals from the four output terminals, respectively, without any component choice conditions. On the other hand, it also can act as a universal voltage-mode filter with three inputs and a single output and can realize five generic voltage-mode filter signals from the same configuration without any component matching conditions. H-Spice and MATLAB simulations results are provided to demonstrate the theoretical analysis.

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© 2008 by The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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