Online ISSN : 1884-9385
Print ISSN : 1880-4357
ISSN-L : 1880-4357
伏見 岳志
ジャーナル フリー

2018 年 14 巻 p. 137-147


This study reviews some of the recent trends and developments in the gender-based historiography of Latin America. The first section describes the slow progress of gender-based historical research produced in Spanish and Portuguese languages. Although several important works on women’s history were published in the 20th century, there was a reluctance to adopt the concept of gender until the turn of the century. Several explanations can be found for this reluctance, such as the presence of military dictatorships in South America and the limited impact of Anglo-American historiographies. The second part discusses three factors that have facilitated the significant expansion of historical gender studies. One factor was the emergence of the publication of several edited volumes on women’s history. The second factor was the intensification of scholarly exchanges between historians based in Latin America and researchers from the rest of the world, especially from Anglo-American institutions. One such example was a series of colloquiums on Mexican gendered history organized by Mexican and AngloAmerican historians. The third factor can be attributed to the more explicit application of gendered analysis. The last part of the text is dedicated to the introduction of several historiographical trends that emerged from the renewed environment created by all these factors. One such trend is the rise of revisional interpretations of the Mexican Revolution from the perspective of gendered struggles. Another new and innovative field is the analysis of the historical construction of masculinity. Many scholars have also begun to pay more attention to the equivocal and negotiated characteristics of honor, which had once been considered as an imperative and monolithic value inherent to the Iberian-Atlantic world. The concluding remarks emphasize the importance of continuous efforts in maintaining an international collaborative environment favorable to these innovative studies.

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