2024 年 15 巻 p. 43-55
The authors collected more than 1,000 bryophyte specimens for the project: The Role of Nature for Human Well-being in the Kilimanjaro Social-Ecological System (Kili-SES), all of which were identified by T. Pócs. Thirty-five taxa are new to the Kilimanjaro area, and nine of these are even new to the bryoflora of Tanzania: Bazzania decrescens subsp. molleri (Steph.) E.W.Jones, Bryum rhypariocaulon Müll.Hal., Fissidens angustifolius Sull., F. weirii Mitt., Grimmia trichophylla Grev., Leucoloma schelpei P.de la Varde, Plaubelia involuta (Magill) R.H.Zander, Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. and Trachypodopsis laxoalaris Broth.