2017 年 66 巻 1 号 p. 330-324
In this paper, I attempt to recover the beginning part of the Fahua-Xingyi (The rules of training based on the Lotus Sūtra) in the Kyō-U Library, the portion of the document which has been missing, and point out that the Fahua-Xingyi makes reference to Kuiji’s 窺基 Fahua-Xuanzan 法華玄賛 (The Profound Panegyric to the Lotus Sūtra). Also, I show that Huizhao 慧沼 quotes part of the Fahua-Xingyi in his Fahua-Xuanzan-Yijue 義決 (The annotation of the Profound Panegyric to the Lotus Sūtra). From these considerations, I conclude that the Fahua-Xingyi was written around 659 to 695 by a follower of the Lotus Sūtra who had a certain influence over Chang’an 長安 Buddhism in the latter half of the 7th century.