Online ISSN : 1884-0051
Print ISSN : 0019-4344
ISSN-L : 0019-4344
高山 秀嗣
キーワード: 井上円了, 哲学館, 教育
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 768-773,1261


Inoue Enryo (1858-1919) explains the purpose of the Tetsugakkan (Philosophy Academy), which he founded in September of Meiji 20, in the following manner: “Firstly, it is for those who are studying at an older age and wish to learn quickly; secondly, it is for those who are too poor to enter a university; thirdly, it is for those who cannot read philosophical texts (and such subjects) in their original Western languages.” In other words, Inoue created this academy to teach philosophy and Buddhist thought to the masses.
This is particularly evinced through Inoue's creation of a distance learning program, which was designed to spread these teachings throughout Japan. Further, lectures at the academy were published, allowing for people to study at home.
Inoue also intended that the academy would be a training ground for religious leaders and educators who intended to spread Buddhist teachings to the general population. Inoue, who felt the need to revamp Buddhism so that it was able to meet the needs of the modern age, felt that educating Buddhists was the foremost priority.
Along with the goal of creating well-rounded individuals, Inoue also saw that this education would contribute to the nation itself. Inoue's percipience can be noted in the founding of this academy, and his ideas concerning the nation and society can be seen as coming to fruition at this point in his life.

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