2014 年 134 巻 1 号 p. 15-27
To construct future M2M networks economically, wide-range wireless cells with a radius of more than 1 km are proposed to be applied to the networks and the number of accommodatied terminals are estimated to be more than the population(1)-(3). The networks are expected to accommodate socially important services such as telemetering and disaster sensing. We are proposing that the minimum data packet rate shall be assured to the terminal groups used for such important services even if all terminals used for other services have data packets to send and keep retrying sending random access (RA) messages(4)(5). However, no studies have been done on controlling data packet rate as a terminal group under such requirements, and it is difficult to distinguish between collision of RA messages and idle signals, so it is also difficult to control RA message traffic. We propose here a fair congestion control method for terminal groups adaptable to the field wireless enviroment. This method distinguishes between RA collisions and idle signals using media access control (MAC) layer information and also enables RA message traffic and data packet traffic to be controlled unaffected by wireless error rate under variable bit rate. The results of a simulated evaluation are presented.
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