Online ISSN : 1348-8155
Print ISSN : 0385-4221
ISSN-L : 0385-4221
松並 直人野中 裕介小川 純司新井 利明辻 洋
ジャーナル フリー

2015 年 135 巻 5 号 p. 534-544


We propose a technique called the central processing unit (CPU) Load Balancing method for Semi-Symmetric Active-Active dual controller storage systems to maintain load balancing between dual controllers by migrating logical unit (LU) ownerships from one controller to another, even if there are inhomogeneous operations between controllers. We develop a performance simulator and use it to evaluate the proposed method's operation. Our findings reveal that the proposed approach improves the average response time on continuous stable load by 2% and the system throughput by 18% compared to the conventional method. The CPU Load Balancing method is a better choice especially to achieve improvements in storage operability. In addition, our findings reveal that the proposed approach improves the average response time in simulated actual loads by 27% compared to the conventional method.

© 2015 電気学会
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