Online ISSN : 1348-8155
Print ISSN : 0385-4221
ISSN-L : 0385-4221
佐藤 雄二森本 雄喜小野 和宏竹中 啓輔鎌田 恒好部谷 学塚本 雅裕
ジャーナル 認証あり

2022 年 142 巻 10 号 p. 1075-1080


A copper has been widely applied for various industrial components such as heat exchangers, heat pipes, electro circuits and motors because of having excellent properties such as thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity. Besides the copper is expected to be used for handrails, doorknobs etc., which touched by many people to prevent from infectious diseases because of having the excellent properties such as an antibacterial property and a virus inactivation property. However, copper is low strength to only about 40% as strong as stainless steel. To add a new function of virus inactivation property to the surface keeping the strength, it is necessary to develop a coating technology to form a copper layer on the surface. Thus, we have developed a multi beam type laser metal deposition method with a high intensity blue diode laser which newly developed with an output power of 200W. As a result, Cu-Zn alloy layer was formed on the stainless-steel plate with no pores at the output power of 30W and scanning speed of 6mm/s.

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