International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development
Online ISSN : 2433-3700
Print ISSN : 2185-159X
ISSN-L : 2185-159X
Establishment of RCE Greater Phnom Penh for Promoting ESD in Cambodia
ジャーナル フリー

2010 年 1 巻 1 号 p. 7-12


Rapid development of agricultural technologies in Greater Phnom Penh has significantly increased agricultural production. The majority of farmers apply agricultural chemicals. Agricultural chemicals released from farmlands to downstream cause various environmental problems. So, the education for sustainable development (ESD) was focused on agricultural sector. Especially, the students in the elementary schools were prioritized as they will become farmers in the future. Forming RCE is expected to increase the opportunity to build the public awareness and perception of the importance of making harmony between farming practices and natural environment. This report deals with the background of RCE Greater Phnom Penh in Cambodia and its challenges. One of the challenges in the RCE is enhancing the food, agriculture and environment education for elementary schools through the organic farming activities at elementary schools and the facilitator training of elementary school teachers under the collaboration among government, university, local NGO and local community.

© 2010 Institute of Environmental Rehabilitation and Conservation Research Center
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