Proceedings of the 50th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference
セッションID: 424

OS6 自動車の制御(_I_)
Analysis on Electric Power Steering System to Improve Vehicle Handling and Steering Feeling for Avoidance Maneuver
*Li Liu
会議録・要旨集 フリー


This paper focuses on the handling response and steering feel characteristics of avoidance maneuver enhanced by EPS control strategies. For an urgent avoidance, driver is required for rapid response so as to suffer high level of physical burden and mental strain. In this study, we address the problem in two ways: one is the steering assistance control to reduce driver steering effort and to realize high cornering response. The other is damp compensation control to solve damping problems that affect steering stability and steering feel. Evaluations of the EPS effectiveness on high speed avoidance performance are conducted by theoretical analysis and simulation studies. The theoretically analysis is based on open-loop the frequency response characteristics of steering angle and vehicle lateral acceleration relative to steering torque input. The avoidance simulation study is conducted by adopting a driver model to describe the human steering behavior.

© 2007 JSME
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