Online ISSN : 2187-2872
ISSN-L : 2187-2872
Featured articles: Subjectivity and the Other
New Modernities, Spaces and Multiple Subjectivities of the Other
Laurence Roulleau-Berger
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 30 巻 p. 301-310


Over the past 20 years in Western Europe, sociology has taken took a “subjectivist turn” which strengthened an already sociocentric outlook European societies, especially concerning the “totemization of the self”. In Western Europe, the individuals have to deal with “double-binds” situations and to face a diversity of normative orders. As contemporary Western Europe societies are getting more complex, there is a growing diversity of “alterity regimes”: weal alterity regimes, strong alterity regimes, partially autonomous alterity regimes. Because alterity regimes are getting more and more diverse, careers have become more and more discontinuous; and along with globalization, biographies become cosmopolitan and complex, forming plural identities built not only in different situations but also in multisituated times and spaces. The concept of subjectivity may be less common in Chinese sociology, but the subjectivity of the Other is not ignored. Whereas, in Western theories, the me, the I and the others are seen as distinct moments in a discontinuous process of the self, in Chinese thinking all steps are not so clearly set apart as the process itself is much more continuous.

© Japan Institute for Group Dynamics
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