Online ISSN : 2187-2872
ISSN-L : 2187-2872
Featured articles: Revisited Asian society
Activity theory used as a method to draw a vision in the workplace
Toshio SugimanAkiko Rakugi
キーワード: activity theory, vision, narrative
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 30 巻 p. 99-107


Activity theory was used as a method to draw a vision, or a dream, that a leader wanted to achieve in the workplace. For this purpose, an original structure of activity figure presented by Engeström (1987) was modified to make it more user-friendly while keeping all important elements. The modified figure indicates structure of activity like ‘a particular person or a particular small group of people (subject of activity) do(es) something with the use of particular tools by collaboration with other people or groups (community) under a particular division of labor and rules.' This shows not only the structure of activity which you want to achieve but the format of the narrative you use when you present your vision to your colleagues. This paper will describe an example in which we used the method of activity theory in a training session to improve the leadership skills of nurses working for a large hospital.

© : Japan Institute for Group Dynamics
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