Online ISSN : 1884-7870
Print ISSN : 0449-9069
ISSN-L : 0449-9069
建売住宅における住まい方について (第2報)
沖田 富美子武田 満す
ジャーナル フリー

1980 年 31 巻 6 号 p. 445-453


Our previous work on this subject which was reported in Part 1 analyzed the usage of living space by the dwellers in the ready-built houses and their evaluation of their houses. It was found that many persons were not satisfied with the house planning and storage space. Also they were dissatisfied with the size of the living room.
The present report deals with our studies on how many pieces of furniture and durable articles. take up the living space, and how “Oshiire” is being used.
Especially we have made a comparison between the livings in the ready-built houses and the houses of the Japan Housing Corporation on which we investigated 7 years ago.
The same houses and families as Part 1 were subjected to the present survey.
Summarized results are as follows :
1) Various kinds of furniture are found in the houses. As to the storage facilities, the ratio of the families who possess such kind of furtinure to the whole families surveyed is the same with both the ready-built house group and the Japan Housing Corporation group. On the other hand, as to facilities for sitting and sleeping or durable articles, the ratio as mentioned above is great with the ready-built house group relative to the Japan Housing Corporation group.
2) The above-mentioned ratios as for individual items of sitting and sleeping facilities relate with the varieties of living sty le and those as for durable articles relate with good living.
3) The area taken up by the furniture in the ready-built houses is twice as large as such area in the Japan Housing Corporation houses. The more available space there is, the more furniture takes up the space.
4) Although many persons are not satisfied with their storage space, “Oshiire, ” few families remodel it to facilitate better usage.
5) It is our opinion that “Oshiire” is large enough if the bedding can be stored. It is necessary that some storage space is provided in each room.

© 社団法人日本家政学会
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