Online ISSN : 2185-1034
Print ISSN : 0447-7227
ISSN-L : 0447-7227
化膿性中耳炎に対する Fosfomycin (FOM) の薬効評価試験成績
Pipemidic acid(PPA)との二重盲検比較試験
馬場 駿吉村井 兼孝木下 治二岩沢 武彦戸村 卓爾谷内 美栄子山田 彰小崎 秀夫井本 龍彦坂本 毅杉森 久一栗田 二郎佐々木 幸弘三井 博文三ケ田 昭是吉田 真子和田 繁佐々木 亨柳内 統河村 正三市川 銀一郎田中 幹夫杉田 麟也三谷 真理子渡辺 洋藤巻 豊和田 昌士栄木 恭男丸尾 猛森 慶人和田 健二河合 孝玄 利男松下 隆本堂 潤羽柴 基之梅田 敬子福岡 由利子波多野 努岩田 重信八木沢 幹夫高須 昭彦林 裕一鈴木 賢二月山 昌夫水越 治橘 正芳斎藤 等西村 秀夫三好 茂小野 寿之西村 武重伊達 敬一森本 純中村 明正岡本 康比古只木 信和三牧 三郎貴田 秀樹竹之内 智矢野 原邦生水越 文和竹中 洋松岡 秀樹神谷 勝久原田 康夫夜陣 紘治村上 譲竹林 脩文竹内 実築家 大介野田 益弘平田 賢三関谷 透松尾 隆晶奥園 達也大山 勝勝田 兼司古田 茂山本 誠花牟礼 豊矢野 博美坂木 邦彦前山 拓夫進 武幹佐藤 意生前山 忠嗣森川 郁郎渡部 俊古川 満出口 浩一田中 恒男
ジャーナル フリー

1983 年 29 巻 5 号 p. 584-617


A multi-clinical, double blind controlled study was carried out to evaluate objectively the efficacy of fosfomycincalcium (FOM) against suppurative otitis media using pipemidic acid (PPA) as a reference drug. Patients received 2g daily of either FOM or PPA in four divided doses by oral administration. Following results were obtained. 1) The efficacy rate of FOM group assessed by physicians in charge was 60.3%, while that of PPA group was 46.2%. When patients were classified into 3 groups (acute otitis media, chronic otitis media and acute exacerbation of chronic otitis media) with respect to diagnosis, statistically significant difference in efficacy was observed in the case of acute exacerbation of chronic suppurative otitis media. The efficacy rate of FOM group assessed by the com-mittee was 56.0%, while that of PPA group was 44.6%. 2) The global utility rate of FOM group assessed by physicians in charge was 58.1%, while that of PPA group was 44.4%, statistically significant difference was observed. 3) When the efficacy for acute exacerbation of chronic suppurative otitis media was analysed bacteriologically, eradication rate of FOM group was significantly superior to that of PPA group. 4) In the case of infections due to aerobic gram negative bacteria, no significant difference in the clinical and bacteriological efficacy was observed between FOM group and PPA group. 5) In acute exacerbation of chronic suppurative otitis media, the improvement of discharge from auris media (8 th day) in FOM group was significantly bettor than that of PPA group. 6) No significant difference in the frequency of side effects was observed between the both groups. And the incidence of side effects was transitory changes and no abnormal laboratory findings were observed. 7) Antibacterial activity of FOM against clinical isolates was several times higher than that of PPA. These results suggest that FOM is a new antibiotic which is highly valuable in the treatment of suppurative otitis media.

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