Online ISSN : 1880-6880
Print ISSN : 0021-4876
ISSN-L : 0021-4876
佐藤 宏和足立 望戸髙 義一
ジャーナル フリー HTML

2021 年 85 巻 2 号 p. 67-74


The effect of one-pass strain, |±Δε|, on grain refinement was systematically investigated by cyclic - HPT straining with a repetitive deformation process in which positive and negative shear strain are introduced. The steady-state grain size, dss, depended on |±Δε| rather than the given total strain, ΣΔε|. The unstable dislocation cell walls formed by positive strain, +Δε, was discomposed by negative strain, −Δε. The stability of dislocation cell wall increased as the number of dislocations introduced by applying |±Δε| in a grain, n, increased. The decrease in n was caused by decreasing +Δε and grain size. It was found that n affected the stability of dislocation cell walls and was an important factor in determining dss.

Fig. 7 Relationship between the number of dislocations introduced by one-pass strain |±Δε| in one grain n and grain size d. The n at the steady-state grain size dss in c-HPT (|±Δε| < 3) were plotted. Each |±Δε| is indicated by a color in the color bar. Fullsize Image
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