2017 年 16 巻 2 号 p. 209-218
Field of Visual Perception (FVP) has been attracted as a method for quantitative evaluation of impression. In recently, FVP for digital images has been proposed, and the effectiveness has been confirmed. However, FVP has not been applied widely on the field of image processing by two reasons: (1) the calculation cost is too high, and (2) only calculation model for binary images has been established and it cannot be applied to grayscale images. This paper first proposes an acceleration method for increasing practicality. Next, instead of grayscale image, we verify the correctness and the effectiveness of applying FVP to halftone image, which is binary image converted from grayscale image without discomfort. The experimental results showed that the calculation cost decreased to 0.01% at least. Moreover, the results of applying FVP to halftone images showed both of the difficulties and the potentialities for evaluating impression.