2017 Volume 63 Issue 2 Pages 104-114
In endurance athletes with intense joint loading, cartilage metabolism (degradation of type II collagen) is enhanced compared with non-athletes and non-endurance athletes. Recently, we have revealed that glucosamine, a functional food, exerts a protective action on cartilage metabolism in not only osteoarthritis patients but also endurance athletes (such as soccer players and rugby players) by suppressing the degradation of type II collagen. In this review, to demonstrate these findings, the following topics will be explained: 1. Biomarkers for cartilage metabolism; 2. Evaluation of osteoarthritis and endurance sports by using biomarkers of cartilage metabolism; 3. Chondroprotective action of glucosamine on osteoarthritis patients and endurance sports athletes; 4. Glucosamine as a “Food with Function Claim”.