Online ISSN : 2188-0980
Print ISSN : 1341-4135
ISSN-L : 1341-4135
発想支援型インターフェイスPBD Brainstormingが文章産出に対して与える効果
加納 寛子
ジャーナル フリー

2008 年 25 巻 2 号 p. 184-193


PBD SPACE was developed as an interface for education using the Internet. This is equipped with some functions for supporting study and evaluation. This paper focused on PBD Brainstorming which is one idea-processing type interface of the function of PBD SPACE which is an interface for education using the Internet, and analysis of the effect was conducted. As a result, two knowledge was acquired. The 1st, it was effective in orienting the abstract contents of a proposal with the concrete contents of a proposal. The 2nd, as the feature of the produced report, it turned out that the report which suited meaning of a title has the concrete contents of a proposal, and that the number of characters also increases. The thing of two points was suggested from the above-mentioned thing. With a proposed type report subject, PBD Brainstorming can support a student’s text production. It is important to press a student to write “more mostly” “more concretely” in order to raise the goodness of fit to the meaning of a title of a report.

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