Dynamics & Design Conference
Online ISSN : 2424-2993
セッションID: 346
346 顔面温度計測によるストレス評価について
松尾 崇渡辺 紳一小関 章仁堀 太久麻高橋 龍尚
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In order to get insight into the physiological response under mental stress, we applied infrared thermography for assessing the distribution of temperature over the surface of face. Five young adults were subjected to 30-minutes typing using personal computer and also 30-minutes arithmetic as stressors. The temperature measurement was conducted with 3-minutes interval during the test. Skin temperature around nose was found to be most sensitive over the surface of face under the two stressors. The temperature around nose was found to decrease markedly 3 minutes after the start of typing and of arithmetic as well in every subject. After 6 minutes, the changes in nose temperature showed considerable scattering from person to person.

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