Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 1P1-E08
1P1-E08 ロボットの動作獲得のための見まね学習を用いたバーチャルエージェントシステム
佐藤 英理守田 要金川 晃士山口 亨
会議録・要旨集 フリー


We constructed virtual agent system for acquisition of robot's behavior. Moreover we focus on Observation Learning. Observation learning was based on gestual interface. Recently, robots that fit into the human community are needed. These robots need natural motions, which are understandable by users for natural interaction with human. For robots acquire natural motion, we used observation learning. A robot acquires a natural motion, which adapted a user's taste from gestural interaction between a user and a robot. However a robot should move many times until acquired behavior which a user feels satisfaction. Observation learning using real-robot was burdened robot body. Acquired behavior using a robot was not able to reused for other robots. So we constructed virtual agent basis for several robots. A virtual agent acquired important points in a motion. A real robot moves using important point, which was acquired the virtual agent.

© 2006 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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