Online ISSN : 2424-290X
セッションID: C226
小型化AMTECセルの性能解析(オーガナイズドセッション2 高温エネルギー変換)
田中 耕太郎中桐 俊男藤井 孝博本多 武夫
会議録・要旨集 フリー


This paper discusses two new concepts for miniaturized AMTEC cells. The miniaturized AMTEC cells, which have larger packed electrode area in the same volume, are expected to have a feature to increase their volumetric output power densities. The first concept is direct deposited micron-scale current leads. The Mo micron-scale current leads, directly deposited on the cathode side electrode surfaces by laser CVD method, can eliminate the necessity for the conventional tied-on metal mesh current lead structure. The second is the addition of guard pipes on beta"-alumina solid electrolytes. The use of such pipes can reduce mechanical stress of the cells. A thermal and mass transfer analysis on the configuration factors has been performed. The influence of sodium vapor pressure drops of the guard pipes was evaluated and the optimum geometrical arrangement was considered. The expected power density of the direct deposited current leads was also evaluated. Because the contact resistance can be reduced significantly, the predicted output power is 25% higher than that of the conventional mesh lead cells.

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