パーソナルロボット"PaPeRo"の開発(1) : パートナー型ロボットの開発事例および概要(口頭による研究発表概要)
長田 純一吉川 健一藤田 善弘
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 242-243


In this paper, we will discuss important issues found in our observation of the actual functions and the development process of the robot -the new target of the design industry- as well as new ideas that future robots are required to have. The scope of robot design concepts covers not only the external shape of the robot, but also changes in its particular properties in accordance with the lapse of time, such as the behavioral patters it shows, or the language expressions it presents. And the robot is notably different from other types of product in that users can find a kind of "personality" or "fictional story" in it. Therefore, robots with high level of completion are expected to be able to presents consistent changes in its property in accordance with the fictional story behind it. In order to achieve this completion level, how to adopt the concept of rhythm and tempo into the changes in the properties is particularly important and characteristic of robot designing.

© 2001 日本デザイン学会
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