2016 年 32 巻 2 号 p. 81-91
The present research examined the effects of perceived entitativity on attitudes toward elderly people stereotyped as “warm but incompetent.” Previous research demonstrated that “warm but incompetent” stereotypes elicit active facilitation and passive harm and emotions mediate these links. Extending previous research, we predicted that entitativity would moderate these effects because of its polarizing effect. In a study (N=74), we manipulated the perceived entitativity of elderly people and a relative salience of stereotypes (e.g., a relative salience of their warmth) by presenting scenarios. The results showed that when perceived entitativity is high, warmth elicits active facilitation and lack of competence elicits passive harm. Furthermore, admiration mediates warmth and active facilitation. On the other hand, when perceived entitativity is low, stereotypes and behavioral intentions are not associated. The findings suggest that entitativity determines the process by which stereotypes elicit behaviors.