Online ISSN : 1880-8719
Print ISSN : 0368-6833
ISSN-L : 0368-6833
九州歯科大学付属病院における過去 5 年間の症例の分析 : II. 病変の種類と頻度について
中西 英子川路 百合子中城 真理濃野 礼子野中 太一高見 美由起福井 秀和槙原 絵理森田 健太郎福山 宏
ジャーナル フリー

2002 年 56 巻 3 号 p. 120-128


This survey was based on the analysis of biopsy specimens that were diagnosed histopathologically in Department of Oral Pathology, Kyushu Dental College, from 1991 to 1995. This report presents the types and frequency of 1, 603 cases of oral lesions. The results are as follows : The ratio of male to female was 1.01 to 1. The cystic lesions revealed the largest group in this series and composed 670 cases (41.8%) of all 1, 603 cases, followed by tumors 386 cases (24.1%), oral mucosal lesions 216 cases (13.5%) and others. Listed in order of frequency, the most common disease was radicular cyst 241 cases (15.03%), mucous cyst 145 cases (9.04%), squamous cell carcinoma 106 cases (6.61%), and dentigerous cyst 97 cases (6.05%) of all 1, 603 cases. Compared with many other reports, these results indicated that no significant differences in the order of a higher frequency of Oral lesions on all cases.

© 2002 九州歯科学会
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