Online ISSN : 2432-0838
Print ISSN : 1341-1306
ISSN-L : 1341-1306
■特集 世論調査とは何か? ―岐路に立つ世論調査 その信頼性を巡っての議論
RDD 調査に代わる世論調査手法に向けた試論
大隈 慎吾
ジャーナル フリー

2019 年 94 巻 p. 23-34


 This paper explores polling methods that provide alternatives to random

digit dialing (RDD) as today’s mainstream. While no readily available alternatives

are identified, potentially viable internet-based alternatives are being

developed. For instance, responses from sample members could be sought by

requesting them to access polling websites through their PCs or smartphones

as specified on letters sent to them by postal mail. Another idea is to use

mobile phones to call or send text (SMS) messages to intended targets to

request their responses via SMS. These potential alternatives still suffer from

an insufficient response rate. Such internet-based polling must be continued

until the response rate improves. Once the rate grows high enough, these alternative

polls can be conducted in place of RDD with confidence in the IT literacy

of general voters who can respond to opinion polls online.

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