Online ISSN : 2432-0838
Print ISSN : 1341-1306
ISSN-L : 1341-1306
■ 論文
1960 年代初頭における「クチコミ」の概念分析
「 オピニオン・リーダー」との結び付きに着目して
宮﨑 悠二
ジャーナル フリー

2021 年 98 巻 p. 107-124


This article focuses on how the term kuchi komi (meaning “word of

mouth”) came to be used in advertising theory in Japan in the early 1960s from

a view of conceptual analysis.

  So far, little attention has been given to kuchi komi in media history and

advertising history. This is because kuchi komi is a medium that leaves no

material or institutional traces. This article aims to provide a history of kuchi

komi by focusing on it as a concept, and analyzes how it came to be presented

as an advertising tool. We mainly analyze textual data that presented kuchi

komi as an advertising tool in the early 1960s.

  As a result, we revealed:( 1) the Reading Social Survey conducted during

1956 played an important role in the spread of the “opinion leader” concept in

the advertising industry, and( 2) the term kuchi komi was newly presented as

an advertising tool in the early 1960s in relation to the “opinion leader” concept.

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