主催: 横断型基幹科学技術研究団体連合
会議名: 第14回横幹連合コンファレンス
回次: 14
開催地: 東京大学工学部三号館(本郷キャンパス)
開催日: 2023/12/16 - 2023/12/17
This paper proposes how to produce grid square statistics about population density from log data collected from mobile phones with geographical locations and to evaluate reliability of their estimates. The log data collected from mobile phones are ones collected from Wi-Fi base stations when users access to Internet from their own mobile devices. Since Wi-Fi base stations have their own geographical location, the log data may contains physical environmental information related to locations. However, in this log data, there are several issues related to big data. This paper considers the way to produce grid square statistics from geographical information included in the log data.