消化器内視鏡の進歩:Progress of Digestive Endoscopy
Online ISSN : 2189-0021
Print ISSN : 0389-9403
伊佐山 浩通加藤 善久辻野 武皆川 伸幸山田 尚士関谷 祐之中田 良吉次 通泰庵 政志永岡 栄喜島 健雄板東 隆文豊島 宏
ジャーナル フリー

1996 年 49 巻 p. 206-207


A 56-year-old male visited our outpatient clinic for the examination for rectal polyp pointed out by barium enema. A granular superficial spreading tumor of the cecum was disclosed by colonoscopy. Biopsied specimen from the tumor showed a carcinoma in tubulovillous adenoma. The tumor resected revealed carcinoma in tubulovillous adenoma with severe atypia.
Histologically the carcinoma and tubulovillous adenoma with severe atypia are indistinguishable on HE stain. Therefore, we stained the tumor immunohistochemically, with Ki-67 and p53 antibodies, to differentiate objectively carcinoma from adenoma with severe atypia. Many Ki-67 positive cells in both tissues reveal high grade proliferation. This suggests whole tissue is carcinoma. On the other hand, neither was stained by p53 although the immunohistochemistry with the gene is useful for the detection of cancer. Thus we could not objectively decide whether the whole is cancer or the cancer exists in part. Tumors stained by p53 have a tendency to invade more deeply.
Generally speaking, a granular superficial spreading tumor has a tendency to grow rather horizontally than vertically in the colon mucosa. The immunohistochemistry in this case as mentioned above supports this.

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© 1996 一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 関東支部
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