2010 JSPE Autumn (Spring) Conference
セッションID: E63

Gauge Block Measurement without Wringing onto Platen Using Low-Coherence Interferometer
Second report: Improvement of interferometer for better accuracy
*WINARNO AGUSTINUS高橋 悟平井 亜紀子高増 潔松本 弘一
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Development of a novel tandem low-coherence interferometer to calibrate the gauge block without wringing onto platen is now in progress. The use of tandem low-coherence interferometer eliminates the confusion due to fringe-order ambiguity, but shape variations of interference fringe′s envelope due to some disturbances such as vibration and temperature fluctuations give difficulties on peak selection. We improve a tandem low-coherence interferometer to increase a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), so interference fringe signals are less affected by disturbances. The interferometric system consists of a combination between Michelson and Fizeau interferometers which are connected by using a single mode optical fiber. The new setup provides better envelope shape of low-coherence interference signal and makes easier peak selection. As the result we can determine fringe order without ambiguity.

© 2010 The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
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