Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
河端 俊治高瀬 明天野 慶之
ジャーナル フリー

1955 年 20 巻 9 号 p. 835-845


1. Bacteriological examination on some kinds of fish-cake from several factories in Tokyo has disclosed that they were highly contaminated with various kinds of microorganisms and not commendable from the view point of food sanitation.
2. When the heat resistance of several enteric pathogens and some additional enteric bacteria in phosphate buffer solutions as well as in raw material of fish-cakes were tested, these bacteria were found much more stable against heating in fish-cakes than in phosphate buffer solution.
3. On the basis of Ball's theory, temperature requirement for processing the fish-cake products was calculated.
4. “HAMPEN” is usually free from Coli group bacteria, while Enterococcus are likely to survive in it. In some cases greater numbers of bacteria were recovered from this type of fish-cakes. Such insufficient heat processing might probably be attributable to a fact that fish-cakes are often manufactured over the production capacity of factories under sanitary control.
5. In case of small sized “ODAWARA KAMABOKO”, almost all the harmful bacteria might be killed when the temperature reached over 72°C, at the core of the products, while below 67°C some of both Coli group bacteria and Enterococcus added in the raw material survived. As for the products of the same factory, some were sufficiently, while other apparently not pasteurized, suggesting how inconstant the empirical and sensory heat processing is.
It seems rather difficult for the medium and large-sized “ODAWARA KAMABOKO” to attain an adequately high temperature at the core. In consequence the bacteria involved were liable to survive.
6. “AGEMONO”, fried fish-cake, were generally well pasteurized, where as such products containing different materials in them as “EBIMAKI” (rolled shrimp) occasionally disturbed heat conductivity, and were often found not suitable for pasteurization.
7. Many important problems concerning the heat conductivity in such fish-cakes in processing course h v been remained unsolved. The processing temperature of fish-cakes at 73°C. as recommended by the Ministry of Public Welfare is, however, likely to be adequate considering the experimental results mentioned above.

© 社団法人 日本水産学会
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