Online ISSN : 2424-080X
Print ISSN : 0006-386X
ウルソデスオキシコール酸のビタミンB_2欠乏小児の血液および尿ビタミンB_2に対する影響 : 弘前地方小児栄養に関する研究 第60報
加賀谷 晃稲葉 八雲
ジャーナル フリー

1957 年 12 巻 p. 150-155


Thirty boys, who showed marked signs of ariboflavinosis as part manifestations of nutritional dystrophy (so-called Shibi-Gatchaki), were divided into 3 groups of 10 boys each. To group I were given orally 5 mg of riboflavin every day for 13 days. To group II were given orally both 5 mg of riboflavin and 10 mg of ursodesoxycholic acid for 13 days. Group III remained untreated for control. Riboflavin in blood and that in the 24-hour urine were estimated prior to and at the next day after the administration of riboflavin with or without ursodesoxycholic acid. A significant increase in the esterified form of riboflavin in the blood was found in group II after the administration of riboflavin combined with ursodesoxycholic acid, and relatively smaller output of riboflavin in the urine was found in group II than in group I. These results seem to show that ursodesoxycholic acid, which was used in combination with riboflavin, accelerated the phosphorylation of riboflavin in the children with nutritional dystrophy.

© 1957 日本ビタミン学会

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