Bulletin of the Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kyushu University
Online ISSN : 1881-4212
Print ISSN : 0915-499X
ISSN-L : 0915-499X
Volume 21
Displaying 1-8 of 8 articles from this issue
  • M. A. H. Bhuiyan, D. Khanam, M. R. Khatun, M. S. Hassan
    1998 Volume 21 Pages 1-7
    Published: 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: September 16, 2022

    Seven different treatment combinations of Rhizobia, Mo and B fertilizers along with a control were evaluated at the Agricultural Research Station, Rajshahi to investigate their effect on nodule number, nodule and shoot weight, and straw and seed yield, in order to select a suitable combination of treatment for better chickpea growth and yield. Significant differences were observed in all characteristics evaluated. Rhizobium inoculation with Mo and B produced significantly higher nodule number, nodule and shoot weight, and straw and seed yield compared with control. Seed yield was 107 and 148% higher than control in two consecutive growth seasons.

    Economic evaluation of the crop suggested that treatment of PKMoB+ Inoculum is optimum for higher seed yield and PKB +Inoculum for higher chickpea gross margin. However Inoculum was suitable from an economic point of view in obtaining marginal rates of return as high as 15567% in 1993 and 12400% in 1994 at Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

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  • K.S. Sarwar, M. Rahman, Shanjida Khan
    1998 Volume 21 Pages 9-17
    Published: 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: September 16, 2022

    A pot experiment was conducted with and without application of Azospirillum lipoferum inoculant and three levels of nitrogen fertilizers (0 kg/ha, 45 kg/ha, 90 kg/ha) applied to evaluate the effect on growth, yield and nutrient content of rice (Oryza sativa cv. BR-11). Phosphorus, potassium and sulphur were applied at rates of 60 kg/ha, 40 kg/ha and 10 kg/ha, respectively as basal doses. Rice seed and later rice seedlings were inoculated with at least 106 colony forming units of Azospirillum lipoferum for inoculated treatments. Colonization of roots by Azospirillum lipoferum was determined by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbant Assay (ELISA) test. Inoculation produced significantly higher growth and yield and also increased N, P and K content of rice. The most significant interaction was found when nitrogen was applied at a rate of 45 kg/ha with Azospirillum lipoferum.

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  • Totok Agung Dwi Haryanto, Nguyen Duy Can, Tomohiko Yoshida
    1998 Volume 21 Pages 19-25
    Published: 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: September 16, 2022

    In order to study the sensitivity of pearl millet to photoperiod, three and four week-old seedlings were exposed to three different photoperiod (8, 12, 16 hours a day) conditions. Plant weight, heading date, seed filling period, grain weight per panicle and grain yield per plant were sensitive to photoperiod. ‘The 16 hour photoperiod increased plant weight, heading date and seed filling period but decreased grain weight per panicle and grain yield per plant. Number of productive panicles, panicle length and panicle weight were relatively insensitive to photoperiod. Seedling age contributed to photoperiod sensitivity for grain weight per panicle. Comparing with 12 hour periods, heading date was 5 days earlier for 8 hour periods and 10 days later for 16 hour periods. Facultative short-day was confirmed for photoperiod response.

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  • M. Matsumoto, N. Matsuyama
    1998 Volume 21 Pages 27-32
    Published: 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: September 16, 2022

    Identification and diagnosis of Rhizoctonia solani AG 1 IA, component of the rice sheath-blight disease is extremely difficult for R. solani AG 2-2 IIIB, R. oryzae, R. oryzae-sativae and R. fumigata, the rice sheath-blight like diseases, and often inaccurate and as a result may hinder the success of extensive breeding programmers throughout Asia. In this study, primers designed from unique regions within the rDNA internal transcribed spacers have been used to develop a rapid PCR-based diagnostic test to provide an accurate identification of the R. solani AG 1 IA pathogen on rice tissues and paddy field soils, Tests on the specificity of the primers concerned showed that they provide the means for accurate identification of the pathogen responsible for sheath blight disease in rice and paddy field soils.

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  • Yoko Takematsu
    1998 Volume 21 Pages 33-41
    Published: 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: September 16, 2022

    Morphology of the gut of termite workers was investigated for 11 genera from Japan. The termite genera in Japan are described and identified by the gut of workers, and a key for the gut is also provided. Morphology of mesenteron and proctodaeum 1st section (P1) are the important characters in identifying these genera.

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  • Masahiro Takagi, Guo Bin Jiang, Hisashi Yahata
    1998 Volume 21 Pages 43-47
    Published: 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: September 16, 2022

    The object of this study was to visually determine the pathway of apoplastic sodium ion uptake in roots of seven tree species. The area of the apoplastic pathway was likely to restrict sodium ion absorption and was identified by Tinopal CBS, a fluorescent dye staining cellulose. The stained area did not correspond to the absorption coefficient of the sodium ion. It was suggested there was another apoplastic pathway for sodium ion that was not detectable by the fluorescent dye.

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  • Kiyoshi Kurosawa
    1998 Volume 21 Pages 49-55
    Published: 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: September 16, 2022

    Water quality at 10 points at and around Hanoi City in the Red River basin was monitored by on-site measurement. The results clearly show that water pollution has continued. Related literature indicates that shifting cultivation, destructive forest cutting, and industrial and human waste effluent in the basin are the basic causes. The situation appears to be changing and further water quality monitoring is necessary.

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  • Kazuo Ogata, Yoko Takematsu, Satoru Urano
    1998 Volume 21 Pages 57-66
    Published: 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: September 16, 2022

    To compare species diversity in urban area, ant assemblages of two parks in Fukuoka city, Japan, were investigated. Momochi Chuou Kouen Park (MCP) is a newly established open land, reclaimed from the sea in 1988, while Minami Kouen Park (MKP) is an old conservation area, established in 1941 and covered mainly by broad-leaved trees. A total of 31 species were found from 16 samples, each of which was collected in a 30-min time period; 17 species in MCP, 20 species in MKP. Species accumulation curves showed that obtained species number reasonably represented species diversity in MCP, but was far from complete in MKP. This predicts that the difference between MKP and MCP in true species richness is greater than that represented by samples. MCP species composition was comprised largely of tropical/subtropical elements. MCP also included higher percentage of eurychoric species and the difference in the ratio between the 2 parks would become greater in true species richness.

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