Seven different treatment combinations of Rhizobia, Mo and B fertilizers along with a control were evaluated at the Agricultural Research Station, Rajshahi to investigate their effect on nodule number, nodule and shoot weight, and straw and seed yield, in order to select a suitable combination of treatment for better chickpea growth and yield. Significant differences were observed in all characteristics evaluated. Rhizobium inoculation with Mo and B produced significantly higher nodule number, nodule and shoot weight, and straw and seed yield compared with control. Seed yield was 107 and 148% higher than control in two consecutive growth seasons.
Economic evaluation of the crop suggested that treatment of PKMoB+ Inoculum is optimum for higher seed yield and PKB +Inoculum for higher chickpea gross margin. However Inoculum was suitable from an economic point of view in obtaining marginal rates of return as high as 15567% in 1993 and 12400% in 1994 at Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
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