Bulletin of the Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kyushu University
Online ISSN : 1881-4212
Print ISSN : 0915-499X
ISSN-L : 0915-499X
Volume 42
Displaying 1-5 of 5 articles from this issue
  • Zaman R, Ali MO, Islam MA, Islam MR, Khan MAA
    2019 Volume 42 Pages 1-6
    Published: 2019
    Released on J-STAGE: January 28, 2020

    The experiment was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research station, BARI, Ishuardi, Pabna, Bangladesh during rabi season of 2015-16 and 2016-2017.The objectives of this study is to find out the optimum seed rate of lentil under strip tillage system and to evaluate the performance of strip tillage over conventional method operated by two wheeler, utilization of crop residue and residual soil moisture on lentil. Four seed rate and two seeding practice were assigned in a split plot design with three replications. The total time requirement for field preparation and planting was highest in conventional tillage (15.5 hr/ha), and lowest in strip tillage (5.26 hr/ha). The fuel consumption during seeding operation was 56.2% lower than conventional tillage. The strip tillage achieved higher grain yield 1499 (kg/ha) than conventional tillage 1322 (kg/ha). Among the seed rate maximum yield was obtained from treatment 150% RSR where the yield was recorded 1536 kg/ha. Strip tillage seeding system obtained maximum yield at each seed rate like 75% RSR, 100% RSR, 125% RSR, and 150% RSR over conventional technique. Strip tillage seeding system increased yield about 13.39% with 56.2% of lower fuel consumption and save 66.06% time compare to conventional tillage and broadcasted method. Functional relationship also indicated that, the predicted optimum seed rate at both tillage system with maintain 30 cm rice residue was near about 39 kg/ha at residual soil moisture condition.

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  • M. R. B. Apu, K. Ambia, A. Naznin, F. N. Khan, K. C. Saha, S. C. Halde ...
    2019 Volume 42 Pages 7-11
    Published: 2019
    Released on J-STAGE: January 28, 2020

    Study on the effect of varieties and disbudding to produce the quality cut flower of chrysanthemum was conducted in 2015-2016 at the Floriculture Research Field of Horticulture Research Centre, BARI, Gazipur, Bangladesh. The treatments were consisted of two varieties (standard white and standard yellow) with 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 blooms/plant and no disbudding as the control. data were taken under these variables, plants survived/plot, days to bud initiation, days to bud burst, stalk length, flower head size, flower sticks/plot. The longest flower stalk was found in standard white (22.17 cm) and the maximum size of a flower head was obtained in standard yellow (7.06 cm). Disbudding had significant influence in stalk length and flower head size. The longest stalk and flower head size were achieved with allowing 4 bloom/plant which was 27.36 cm and 7.07 cm, respectively.

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  • M. A. K. Mian, M. R. Islam, J. Hossain
    2019 Volume 42 Pages 13-22
    Published: 2019
    Released on J-STAGE: January 28, 2020

    The experiment was conducted at the Regional Agricultural Research station, Ishurdi during 2009 to 2015 to assess the agro-climatic effect on summer mungbean. Three mungbean cv. BARI mug 5, BARI mug 6 and BU mug 4 were sown on 15 March, 25 March and 4 April in each year. Average pods/plant (17.54-17.94) of seven years was observed higher in BARI mug 6 at 15 March and 25 March sowing. Pods/plant had significant effect (86%) on seed yield of summer mungbean. Average seed yield of seven years was shown the highest (1309 kg/ha) in BARI mug 6 at 25 March sowing. Average biomass yield (7033-7283 kg/ha) was noticed higher at 4 April sowing irrespective of varieties. The effect of biomass yield on the seed yield of mungbean was minimum (19%). Developed functional yield model was shown the following formula, Y=4645.56 + 2.42 HDDS + 6.37 Rainfall–106.91 Tem. – 16.45 TDM + 0.33 TSSH – 63.78 RH (R2=0.67). The effect of agro-climate on the seed yield of summer can be explained about 67% by this functional model. The co-efficients indicated the rate of change of yield due to change of one unit of input variables. The model can be used to predict the yield of summer mungbean or to verify the experimental results at prevailing agro-climatic condition of a particular year. By the selection of structural sowing time, 15-25 March was suitable for higher seed yield (1299-1309 kg/ha) of mungbean, however on the basis of regression model, optimum estimated sowing time would be 18-19 March for maximum yield (1287 kg/ha) of summer mungbean.

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  • Myo Zaw, Seint San Aye, Le Dihn Thao, Masaru Matsumoto
    2019 Volume 42 Pages 23-29
    Published: 2019
    Released on J-STAGE: January 28, 2020

    In 2016, stem blight disease symptoms were occurred in asparagus fields near Pyinmana, central area of Myanmar, and samples collection was conducted. The causal fungal pathogen was isolated and the representative isolates were confirmed their pathogenicity on garden asparagus (Asparagus officinalis). The morphological characteristics indicated that all isolates produced conidiomata containing alpha condinia on potato dextrose agar (PDA) media. Six randomly selected isolates were performed on phylogenetic analysis of rDNA-ITS regions, and all isolates were in a single clade with Phomopsis asparagi (GenBank accession: KJ801806 and KJ801804). The genetic diversity of 20 isolates from Myanmar and 7 isolates from Japan were also compared by using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis with eight oligo primers and repetitive-element polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) method with BOX and ERIC primers. In both experiment, the polymorphic banding patterns of all isolates were similar and there was almost no diversity between Myanmar and Japan isolates. This is the first characterization of P. asparagi on Asparagus in Myanmar.

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  • Minhaz Ahmed, Masaru Matsumoto, Kiyoshi Kurosawa
    2019 Volume 42 Pages 31-39
    Published: 2019
    Released on J-STAGE: January 28, 2020

    Heavy metal (Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb) contamination in soil was examined in a multi-industry district of Bangladesh in the dry and wet season. In this district, various kinds of industries discharged their wastewater into nearby irrigation canals, and soil contaminated with this water could be a major environmental pollution factor. The geoaccumulation index (Igeo) indicated that the study areas (in both dry and wet season) were treated as uncontaminated to moderately contaminated with Zn and As in Banglabazar; Zn, Cu, and As in Kashimpur; and Zn in Chandra but uncontaminated with other heavy metals. The pollution load index (PLI) showed the study areas were slightly contaminated in the dry season whereas uncontaminated in the wet season. Based on potential ecological risk index (RI) only Banglabazar area posed moderate risk in the dry season whereas other areas posed low risk in the both seasons. On the other hand, the characteristics of lower Igeo, PLI and RI values in the wet season showing the dilution effect of rainfall (in irrigation water) on the soil’s low absorption of the heavy metals. The results of current study clearly pointed out that the study areas were mostly uncontaminated with heavy metals and pose low risk to the environment.

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