Food Science and Technology Research
Online ISSN : 1881-3984
Print ISSN : 1344-6606
ISSN-L : 1344-6606
Advance online publication
Displaying 1-18 of 18 articles from this issue
  • Yutaka Hattori, Seiya Hara, Riko Ogihara, Tomoyuki Nakagawa, Masaya Sh ...
    Article type: Note
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00091
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: August 27, 2024

    Sodium butyrate (NaB) intake reduces high-sucrose diet-induced hepatic expression of genes and proteins related to fatty acid synthesis and the accumulation of triacylglycerols (TAGs) in rats. In this study, we examined the effects of NaB intake on the hepatic accumulation of TAGs and the expression of genes and proteins related to lipid metabolism, including fructolysis induced by excessive ingestion of fructose, a more potent inducer of lipogenesis than sucrose. Dietary supplementation with 5 % NaB decreased the high-fructose-induced hepatic levels of TAG and the expression levels of genes and proteins related to fructolysis and fatty acid synthesis, but not those related to β-oxidation. These results suggest that NaB intake alleviates high-fructose-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by suppressing a wide range of pathways, including those from fructolysis to fatty acid synthesis.

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  • Run Wang, Shinta Ishizu, Miyuki Kondo, Ayumi Furuta, Genya Okada, Shot ...
    Article type: Note
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00068
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: June 17, 2024

    To clarify the effects of ice storage on fish meat, volatile components and bacterial flora of red sea bream muscle during storage were investigated. Psychrotrophic and mesophilic bacteria in ordinary and dark muscles (OM and DM, respectively) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in DM increased significantly after more than 14 days of storage. While the profiles of volatile components showed no differences in all samples at up to 7 days of storage without bacterial growth, after 14 days of storage, differences were observed compared to previous samples and between OM and DM. (E, E)-3,5-Octadien-2-one in both OM and DM increased significantly after more than 14 days of storage compared to before storage. Bacterial flora analysis of OM showed that Pseudomonas was predominant after storage.

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  • Liu Dansong, Wang Bei, Han Qi, Yu Aiqi, Gao Ziyu, Shao Jing, Li Tie ...
    Article type: Original Paper
    Article ID: FSTR-D-23-00168
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: August 21, 2024

    The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of two different originated peptide, namely, marine collagen peptide (MCP) and soy peptide (SP) on Calpain-1 (CAPN-1) and Calpain-2 (CAPN-2) and skeletal muscle micro-injury. Method: One hundred male SD rats were divided into four groups: control group (Group C, n = 10), exercise + MCP group (Group M, n = 30), exercise + SP group (Group S, n = 30), and exercise group (Group E, n = 30). After six weeks of training, blood and skeletal muscle were taken immediately, 24 h, and 48 h after exercise. IGF-1, CK, testosterone (T), and skeletal muscle expression of CAPN-1 and CAPN-2 were tested. Results: IGF-1 of Group S was greater immediately after exercise compared to Group E (p <0.05), and T recovery was faster in Group M than E (p <0.05). CK was upregulated in Groups E and M immediately after exercise, while Group S had greater CK than Groups E and C (p <0.05). Group M had higher CAPN-1 expression in quadriceps than Groups E and S (p <0.05) immediately after exercise. CAPN-2 expression in gastrocnemius was upregulated immediately after exercise. T was negatively correlated with CAPN-2 expression in quadriceps (r = -0.715, p <0.05) immediately after exercise, and it was negatively correlated with CAPN-1 expression in gastrocnemius (r = -0.905, p <0.05) 24 h after exercise. Conclusion: Both peptides demonstrated limited effect on post-exercise CK, CAPN-1, and CAPN-2. Compared with SP, MCP had a more significant effect on recovery of T after exercise. And SP was more effective than MCP in downregulating exercise-induced upregulation of CAPN-1 and CAPN-2 expression observed 48 h after exercise in gastrocnemius.

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  • Takahiro Aoki, Hiroyuki Nakamoto, Futoshi Kobayashi
    Article type: Original Paper
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00040
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: August 20, 2024

    Food texture is a major factor contributing to the palatability of solid foods. The physical properties of food change due to crushing in the chewing process, hence the texture also changes. Food companies need to evaluate food texture in the chewing process. This study proposes a method to predict changes in texture during the chewing process. The developed method infers the dominant texture from multiple textures at a time point in the chewing process using a multinomial distribution within the framework of a state-space model. The model inputs are the texture parameters determined by Texture Profile Analysis from the repeatedly compressed measurement data of two successive times, and the output is the dominance rate determined by Temporal Dominance of Sensations. A dataset of measurement data and sensory evaluation data was compiled for using five foods and ten texture descriptors through measurement experiments and sensory evaluations. The effectiveness of the proposed method was verified by a cross-validation method. Root mean squared errors for the dominance rate of seven textures were less than 0.1. This study confirmed that the proposed method has the potential to predict food texture in the chewing process.

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  • Takahiro Hosoya, Michiyo Kubota, Shigenori Kumazawa
    Article type: Original paper
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00076
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: August 14, 2024

    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a well-known analytical tool for structure determination of small and macro molecules. Recently, it has been also used for quantitative analysis (qNMR) and metabolomics with multivariate statistics. In this study, we evaluated the comprehensive assessment of green tea using the NMR techniques including qNMR and principal component analysis (PCA), and the functional elucidation. Thirty-five samples of green tea collected from five countries were extracted with hot water, and then the green tea samples were analyzed by their 1H NMR. The major constituents in green tea including caffeine, catechins (EC, EGC, ECg, and EGCg), sugars (glucose, sucrose, and arabinopyranosyl-myo-inositol), and theanine were assigned and quantified using 1H NMR signals. PCA was performed on the 1H NMR data. Based on the results obtained, the 35 types of green tea were established to be clearly distinguished according to their countries of origin and harvest season.

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  • Mayo Higashihara, Nobutaka Matsui, Tomoko Sumi, Taichi Yamaguchi, Yur ...
    Article type: Note
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00066
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: August 02, 2024

    β-caryophyllene (BCP) is a volatile bicyclic sesquiterpenoid found in essential oils from spices and edible foods such as black pepper, basil, and cloves. Orally administered BCP exhibits several bioactivities, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. In addition to its physiological function as a functional food factor, BCP is volatile. BCP inhalation has been reported to exhibit several bioactivities, suggesting that inhaled BCP is as bioactive as orally administered BCP. Recent studies have shown that both orally administered and inhaled BCP can be transferred to the serum and organs. No studies have compared the distributions of orally administered and inhaled BCP. Therefore, this study compared the distribution patterns for orally administered and inhaled BCP in mice. Our findings showed that the distribution patterns differed between oral administration and inhalation. Consequently, the effects of BCP on biological activity may differ between oral and inhalation routes.

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  • Yuki Miyauchi, Liangjing Xie, Takahiko Hirokawa, Saeko Murakami, Sihui ...
    Article type: Original Paper
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00060
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: July 29, 2024

    Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) is a fruit that is rich in bioactive components and nutrients. A previous study revealed that strawberries offer beauty benefits, including anti-inflammatory effects. In this study, we investigated the potential hair growth-promoting properties of strawberries by measuring dehydrogenase activity as an indicator of cellular metabolism, and assessed the expression of hair growth-related genes in human follicle dermal papilla cells (HFDPC). Additionally, we performed chemical analyses to characterize the active compounds contributing to the observed effects. The results indicated that strawberry water-extract promotes the metabolism of HFDPC, and that this effect was reduced with heat treatment. The expression levels of hair growth-related genes (FGF7, VCAN, and TGFB2) were examined, but no significant differences were detected. Although further investigation into the components and mechanisms underlying this bioactivity is required, these results lay a foundation for the development of hair-care cosmetics.

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  • Kurataka Otsuka, Takahiro Ochiya
    Article type: Note
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00086
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: July 24, 2024

    Dietary factors are associated with an increased risk of the development of several diseases. Some phytochemicals regulate animal microRNAs (miRNAs) that have been implicated in disease development. Understanding the beneficial changes in miRNA expression mediated by food ingredients or food-derived natural products is important for maintaining good health and finding novel dietary functions. Previous studies reported that resveratrol controls breast cancer cell proliferation by inducing the expression of tumor-suppressive miRNAs. Although several stilbene derivatives in foods exist, their functional activity in regulating miRNAs has not yet been elucidated. Here, we conducted a preliminary study to investigate whether resveratrol derivatives (gnetin C, ε-viniferin, and piceid) regulate similar tumor-suppressive miRNAs as resveratrol in breast cancer. We first reported that slight differences in the structure could influence the effect of each compound on cell proliferation and miRNA expression.

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  • Tsutomu Nakayama
    Article type: Review
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00052
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: July 12, 2024

    This study examined the molecular interactions of tea polyphenols, particularly catechins and theaflavins, with phospholipid-based systems, including liposomes and micelles, to elucidate the underlying mechanisms responsible for the health benefits associated with green and black tea consumption. The results demonstrate that (−)-epicatechin gallate and (−)-epigallocatechin gallate have a higher affinity for liposomes than (−)-epicatechin and (−)-epigallocatechin. This suggests that the presence of a galloyl moiety in these compounds enhances their interactions with lipid bilayers. Among the four theaflavins, theaflavin-3-O-gallate exhibited unique interactions with both liposomes and cholic acid micelles. Thearubigins, which are the main components of black tea infusions, have been found to interact with phospholipids, leading to various biological activities, such as inhibition of cholesterol uptake, astringency, increased systemic circulation, and antibacterial and antiviral effects. In conclusion, the polyphenols in tea infusions come into contact with the surface of phospholipids in the cell membranes or micelles, physically changing these assemblies and impacting their subsequent physiological effects.

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  • Masaru Ochiai
    Article type: Review
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00093
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: July 11, 2024

    Edible insects are considered alternative food resources; however, few studies have examined their nutritional composition, safety, and functionality. We previously investigated the nutritional values of proteins and lipids in some edible insects commercially available in Japan. Migratory locusts (Locusta migratoria) and silkworms (Bombyx mori) contained high levels of α-linolenic acid in both neutral lipid and phospholipid forms. In rats, migratory locusts favorably altered the plasma fatty acid profile and improved lipid metabolism. However, the amino acid score and digestibility of edible insect proteins were lower than those of conventional protein materials, and chitin, also abundant in edible insects, influenced the net nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors and true protein contents. Although some edible insects are potential food resources, but they require more developed nutritional and functional evaluation and labeling for their widespread use and future application.

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  • Kazuhiro Yoshinaga, Hiromi Hayashi, Naoto Miyazaki, Jun-ichi Abe, Yasu ...
    Article type: Original Paper
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00054
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: July 02, 2024

    The amount of 1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol (1,5-AG) present in the human body is kept almost constant value. Although the biological role of 1,5-AG in humans has yet to be elucidated, several biological effects have been reported. The estimates have shown that most of the 1,5-AG is obtained from our daily foods in the case of adults. No reports has been available on 1,5-AG amount in human milk or infant formula, therefore, the current study aimed to develop a method for determination of 1,5-AG concentration in the milk by combination of chromatography and 1,5-AG-specific enzymes, and to measure 1,5-AG concentration in several types of milk. We found that the amount of 1,5-AG in human milk was 6.51 ± 2.22 μg/mL up to 1 week postpartum and 11.7 ± 3.40 μg/mL around 1 month postpartum. However, all infant formulas contained less than 0.5 μg/mL of 1,5-AG.

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  • Genki Onozawa, Daitaro Ishikawa, Hiroyuki Tanji, Tomoyuki Fujii
    Article type: Original Paper
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00067
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: June 22, 2024

    We aimed to investigate the effect of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on the production of amino acids, including GABA, in buckwheat during preservation. Buckwheat was soaked in 0–0.5 % glutamic acid solution and exposed to HHP treatment at 200 or 400 MPa. The concentrations of amino acids, except glutamic acid, increased with HHP treatment and preservation. GABA production tended to be higher in a 0.3 g/mL Glu solution under 400 MPa. The relationship between initial glutamate concentration and GABA production rate was bell-shaped, with a maximum approximately 50 µmol/g for the 200-MPa and untreated samples. The Km, Ki, and Vmax were calculated from the Michaelis–Menten equation with substrate inhibition. The Km changed after 400-MPa HHP treatment, whereas Vmax and Ki increased in a pressure-dependent manner. Combining Glu and HHP treatment can produce buckwheat with enhanced GABA production.

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  • Jingjie Zhang, Mengjun Zheng, Yonghui Yu, Jing Wang, Baoguo Sun
    Article type: Review
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00024
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: June 14, 2024

    Osteoporosis is a chronic systemic skeletal disease that affects postmenopausal women and older men, and is characterized by the destruction of bone tissue microstructure, reduced bone content, and a tendency to fracture. Nutrients provided by food are necessary for human survival, and at the same time, the various components of food act back on the human body, affecting its health status. Recent studies have shown that whole grain nutrition is beneficial in relieving osteoporosis and improving bone health. This review focuses on the beneficial effects of dietary pattern including whole grains on bone mineral density and the classical mechanisms of whole grains enrich diet in regulating bone resorption and inhibiting bone formation. Whole grain nutritional interventions might offer new possibilities for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

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  • Tomoko Sumi, Mayo Higashihara, Momoka Minami, Kouchi Nakamura, Tsukasa ...
    Article type: Original Paper
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00056
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: June 14, 2024

    Structural degeneration of blood vessels causes vascular diseases, which are among the leading causes of death worldwide. The diet affects the development of vascular diseases. We have previously reported that a high-sucrose diet induces structural degeneration of the thoracic aorta in rats. To clarify the mechanisms underlying the undesirable effects of excess sucrose intake, we compared the effects of three different diets (sucrose and its constituent sugars, glucose and fructose) on the thoracic aorta and perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT). Among the three diets, the high-fructose diet had the most adverse effects on the thoracic aorta, thoracic PVAT, and serum parameters. Our study suggests that the biological effects on blood vessels differ depending on the carbohydrate component of the diet, even under conditions of equivalent caloric intake. The management of fructose intake may affect the development of vascular diseases.

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  • Naho Mizuno, Yuka Noshima, Toshiya Toda
    Article type: Note
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00042
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: June 13, 2024

    This study investigated the change in color of black soybean seed coats during boiling process owing to the reaction between iron ions and polyphenols, especially non-extractable proanthocyanidins (NEPAs). Beans boiled three times in water were discolored to reddish brown, and the content of anthocyanins (cyanidin 3-glucoside) was less than 1 % of that of raw beans; however, they turned jet black when boiled in 5 mmol/L ferrous sulfate solution. Seed coats from which extractable polyphenols such as anthocyanins and low-molecular weight flavanols were completely removed by extraction with the aqueous–organic solvents had a reddish brown color; however, NEPAs remained in them. Therefore, it was considered that the main mechanism by which the black color of the seed coat is maintained using iron agents during boiling process is the reaction of iron ions with NEPAs and not anthocyanins.

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  • Xiaobing Wei, Jingjing Li, Yilin Bai, Qiaoping Niu, Peng Li, Xingyou L ...
    Article type: Review
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00009
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: June 07, 2024

    Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human and many other mammalian plasmas. Glutamine operates at multiple levels within intestinal cells, including intestinal epithelial cells, goblet cells, paneth cells, and immune cells in the intestinal mucosa, demonstrating its role in fostering both innate and adaptive immunity and its connections with the gut microbiome. This review introduces the potential mechanisms by which the glutamine functions as an intermediary between the gut microbiota and immune system, through changes in the intestinal microbiota and activation of toll-like receptors (TLRs) as well as the mTOR signaling pathway. Glutamine supplementation could increased proliferation and differentiation of T cells, as well as stimulation of secretory IgA (sIgA) secretion, thus contributing to a strengthened intestinal immune response. Studying the glutamine functions among the gut microbiota and immune system will provide ideas and perspectives for maintaining and maximizing intestinal health.

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  • Tomoya Suzuki, Hirotaka Masaki, Takanori Tsuda
    Article type: Note
    Article ID: FSTR-D-24-00080
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: June 06, 2024

    Pea protein (PP) is considered to have a relatively low allergy risk and is expected to provide an alternative source of plant protein to soy protein. However, the physiological functions of PP are unclear. In the present mouse study, we found that a 100-PP diet (with PP comprising 100 % of the protein intake) for 4 weeks significantly induced beige adipocyte formation in inguinal white adipose tissue. Furthermore, although a 50-PP diet (with PP comprising 50 % of the total protein) alone did not increase beige adipocyte formation, the combination of 50-PP and exercise significantly induced beige adipocyte formation. The induction of beige adipocyte formation observed with 100-PP intake alone and combined 50-PP and exercise was not associated with fibroblast growth factor 21. Our findings can be used as a basis for PP application in the food industry.

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  • Mika Mochizuki, Chieko Okabe, Toshihiko Osawa, Yuya Asami
    Article type: Original Paper
    Article ID: FSTR-D-23-00232
    Published: 2024
    Advance online publication: May 23, 2024

    This study investigated the physical properties of wild rice when it is used for bread by comparing it to wheat and brown rice breads. The specific volume of the wild rice bread was lower than that of the wheat bread. The results showed the lowest height and highest hardness among the three breads. In addition, wild rice showed distinct pasting properties among the three flours using a Rapid Visco Analyzer. Our data suggested that the difference in the physicochemical properties of starch of wild rice is related to the swelling. This is the first study to investigate the effect and properties of wild rice flour when made into bread and showed the difference versus wheat and brown rice breads. New information about wild rice when used for bread was obtained and indicated the possibility of its food development.

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