At Mominoki hospital, we increased the number of medical assistants (MAs) along with the introduction of the electronic medical record on 20th June 2016. Currently seven MAs are doing outpatient and ward work of neurosurgery and ophthalmology. The MA's work in our hospital mainly consists of providing clinical information documents, hospitalization certificate, documentation support work such as doctor's opinion in nursing care insurance, discharging summary and examination, prescription, next visit reservation etc. They also substitute ordering system inputs, outpatient consultation assistance, registration and aggregation work of clinical data (JND registration), and some other related jobs. As an objective evaluation this time, we surveyed and examined five items;outpatient waiting time survey, discharge completion summary rate, period of preparation of doctor's advice in hospitalization certificate and long-term care insurance, satisfaction survey on doctors, and doctors' overtime hours. As a result, the average time from the reservation time of the reserved patient for neurosurgical outpatient to the start of examination was 10.9 minutes, and it was shortened to less than half the time before introduction. For the hospitalization certificate and the written opinion of the doctor in nursing care insurance, the average preparation period was 6.3 days, 8.1 days respectively, and the achievement rate within the target 2 weeks was 97.4% and 95.2%. The rate of completion within 2 weeks of the discharge summary improved, and the results of the satisfaction survey confirmed that the burden on the doctor was reduced. Introduction of MAs leads to work efficiency improvement, which appears to reduce the burden on doctors.
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