Online ISSN : 1884-1082
Print ISSN : 0021-5236
ISSN-L : 0021-5236
  • 霜山 祥子, 遠藤 利彦
    論文ID: 96.23035
    発行日: 2025年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2025/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー HTML 早期公開

    While the link between autism and gender dysphoria (GD) has received increasing attention, the phenomenon of GD co-occurring with autism remains unclear owing to the lack of autistic transgender perspectives. A recent qualitative analysis found that their GD (i.e., dysphoria related to gender norms) may be a subset of pervasive social dysphoria (PSD: dysphoria related to pervasive social norms), suggesting a link between autism and PSD. To further investigate this hypothesis, we described all their dysphoria about social norms, including GD, at each developmental stage, by examining the life stories of 14 autistic participants who experienced GD as a subset of PSD. We also found that GD may become more prominent than dysphoria over other social norms because of the strong influence of gender norms, which have two characteristics: (a) gender norms are more recognizable from early childhood, and (b) after puberty, gender norms increase their influence on and merge with other norms. Thus, future studies should investigate whether there is a link between autism and GD, or instead, PSD.

  • 野波 寬, 大友 章司, 坂本 剛, 田代 豊, 青木 俊明, 大場 健太郎
    論文ID: 96.23029
    発行日: 2025年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2025/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー HTML 早期公開

    The context of a Not in my backyard (NIMBY) facility, a type of public goods, can be established as a NIMBY dilemma because it includes the moral dilemma that requires an ethical judgment, the rightness or wrongness of a utilitarian choice to save the majority at the expense of the minority. This study examined the effects of moral judgment, empathic concern, and relational mobility on people's judgments in the NIMBY dilemma. Participants who evaluated an utilitarian choice as right in the moral dilemma also rated them as right in the NIMBY dilemma. Ethical evaluation in the moral dilemma was also found to be a positive determinant for ethical evaluation and utilitarian behavioral intention in the NIMBY dilemma. Furthermore, empathic concern was negatively related to utilitarian intentions in the NIMBY dilemma, while inference about the ethical evaluation of others had positive relations. These suggested that intuitive processes, such as moral judgment and empathic concern, intervene decision making in the NIMBY dilemma. We discussed the moral tragedy in which individual moral judgment and empathic concern may lead to collective consequences that undermine public goods.

  • 林 冬実, 中道 圭人
    論文ID: 96.23039
    発行日: 2025年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2025/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー HTML 早期公開

    This study examined whether young children integrate pre- and post- observed statistical patterns to infer two types of likelihoods. In Experiment 1 (N = 103, M = 68.47 months) and Experiment 2 (N = 51, M = 67.88 months), we presented 4- to 6-year-olds with two statistical patterns. The results showed that when the integrated probability was 50% vs 50%, participants inferred that the two likelihoods were equal. In contrast, when the integrated probability was 75% vs 25%, participants correctly inferred the height of each likelihood in only one of the three conditions and a certain number of participants incorrectly inferred that the likelihoods were equal. In addition, the older the age, the better the task performance. These results show that young children can infer that two likelihoods are equal based on the two statistical patterns. Furthermore, these results suggest that as children get older, they are able not only to infer that both are possible, but also to infer whether each of two likelihoods is high or low.

  • 長峯 聖人, 菅原 大地
    論文ID: 96.23050
    発行日: 2025年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2025/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー HTML 早期公開

    Emotions that are a mixture of positive and negative emotions are called mixed emotions. Culture influences what kinds of mixed emotions exist, sometimes regarded as emotions that symbolize a specific culture (e.g., saudade). However, there are few studies on mixed emotions in Japan, and it is unclear what kind of mixed emotions are likely to be experienced by Japanese people. The present study aimed to examine what mixed emotions are evaluated as typical among Japanese people, based on three studies. In a preliminary survey, 24 mixed emotion words were selected as candidates. In Study 1, mixed emotion words were evaluated regarding comprehension and emotional valence, and 12 were selected as more typical mixed emotion words. Finally, in Study 2, the 12 mixed emotion words were examined in more detail, and it was shown that "nagorioshii" and "aizou" in particular, may be typical mixed emotion words in Japanese people.

  • 鹿子木 康弘, 田辺 和奏, 千々岩 眸, 小國 龍治, 萩原 広道
    論文ID: 96.23053
    発行日: 2025年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2025/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー HTML 早期公開

    Belief in a just world entails the inclination to perceive the world as inherently fair and secure, where individuals are shielded from misfortune. While previous studies have focused on adults, none have comprehensively explored the developmental origins of just world beliefs. This study examined the development of two facets of just world beliefs - beliefs in immanent justice and ultimate justice- among participants aged five to nine and adults. Participants were presented with narratives depicting instances of either good or bad luck, followed by inquiries regarding the character's actions the previous day and predictions for the following day. The results exhibited a developmental difference in belief in immanent justice, evidence for the fortunate character during the initial half of age five and for the unfortunate character during the latter half of age seven. Conversely, belief in ultimate justice exhibited no developmental difference, indicating that it was already evident among five-year-olds. These findings suggest that belief in a just world takes root as early as the preschool years, although opportunities for further development persist.

  • 平見 真希人, 大隈 萌恵, 住田 裕子, 藤木 大介
    論文ID: 96.23318
    発行日: 2025年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2025/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー HTML 早期公開

    It is necessary to acquire the viewpoints of others and relate them to one's own ideas through interaction in cooperative situations. This study examined the effects of speech from a joint attention perspective (guided and tracked) on problem solving in three fifth-grade classes for learning formulas for finding the area of a figure, as speech that attempts to acquire another person's viewpoint. In order to clarify the effects of interactions that only cooperative learning situations can provide, which are not present in individual learning situations, this study analyzed the speech of the participants by distinguishing between their own speech and that of their partners. The results showed that the partner's tracking of the event that the actor had guided facilitated post-task problem solving. Furthermore, it was shown that the influence of such speech occurs in the problem of understanding formulas.

  • 馬場 絢子, 分寺 杏介, 福島 綾
    論文ID: 96.23321
    発行日: 2025年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2025/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー HTML 早期公開

    This study defines "stumbling in responses" (hereinafter called "stumbling" ) as the difficulty a client has in giving a valid response about their condition to a certain situation, psychological scale, or item. This study explored the presence, situation, and clinical psychologists' support for clients' stumbling in clinical situations from the perspective of clinical psychologists. An open-ended web-based survey of clinical psychologists showed that 99 out of 103 valid respondents noticed stumbling. Qualitative analysis revealed various situations causing stumbling, the diversity of clients' expressions, clinical psychologists' support, and different characteristics of stumbling in the collected responses. Quantitative analysis of co-occurrence frequencies and rates showed that the situation was related to stumbling, and that stumbling was related to support. These results are expected to facilitate the development of appropriate methods for stumbling prevention and support.

  • ――個人間の関係か集団か――
    迫田 裕子, 三沢 良, 青木 多寿子
    論文ID: 96.23328
    発行日: 2025年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2025/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー HTML 早期公開

    This study examined the possibility that a principal's leadership is related to different levels of teachers' group identity. The results of a web-based survey of school teachers revealed that the transformational and empowering leadership of principals were positively related to teachers' group identity at the relational as well as the collective level of group identity. The transformational leadership, "providing intellectual stimulation," was positively associated with "identification with the administration" and "identification with the organization" at the relationship level of group identity and at the group level, while "providing individualized support" was positively associated with "identification with the administration" at the relationship level of teachers. A principal empowering leadership was positively associated with teachers' total group identification scores. Based on these results, we discuss principals' leadership that contributes to reducing teachers' sense of busyness and promoting team schools.

  • ――実験研究を対象とした検討――
    金谷 悠太, 川合 伸幸
    論文ID: 96.23402
    発行日: 2025年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2025/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー HTML 早期公開

    Anger regulation is significant because anger can lead to social problems such as aggressive driving and abuse. This study aimed to systematically review anger regulation strategies and to synthesize research on their characteristics, concerns, and effectiveness. A literature search using the Web of Science and citation screening identified 76 articles on anger regulation. Based on the framework of the process model of emotion regulation, each anger regulation strategy was classified into the specific groups of situation modification, attention deployment, cognitive change, response modulation, strategies to increase the effectiveness of anger regulation, and assessed for validity on subjective anger experience, physiological responses, and aggressive behavior. For subjective anger, cognitive change and attention deployment, such as reappraisal and distraction, were shown to be most effective, whereas response modulation, such as acceptance, venting, and suppression, were not. For aggressive behavior, response modulation by inducing sadness and situation modification that counteracts approach motivation were suggested to be more effective than reappraisal. It is important to use the most appropriate anger regulation strategy depending on the purpose and context.

  • 竹西 海人, 中西 大輔
    論文ID: 96.24305
    発行日: 2025年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2025/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー HTML 早期公開

    We aimed to examine whether a member with higher cognitive centrality could make accurate decisions in a multi-attribute decision-making task. Previous studies have indicated that group decisions often result in negative outcomes when relying on shared information. Nevertheless, considering the reliability and validity of shared information, using it in discussions may yield positive results. This study focuses on cognitive centrality, which is defined as the amount of shared information held by group members within a socio-cognitive network. Previous research has shown that members with higher cognitive centrality influence group decision-making, as they are often regarded as experts. This suggests they may be more accurate in their decision-making. However, empirical studies on the relationship between cognitive centrality and decision accuracy are scarce. To test this relationship, a two-choice task concerning the population of Japanese prefectures was administered to 150 participants. The results indicated that there was no clear relationship between cognitive centrality and the accuracy of decision-making.

  • 亀岡 晃佑, 白浜 恵, 新田 史暁, 武藏 諒祐, 渡邉 真由, 若島 孔文
    論文ID: 96.23010
    発行日: 2024年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー HTML 早期公開

    The purpose of this study was to create a scale to measure anxiety about mask removal after the government eased restrictions in Japan, and to examine the scale's relationship with resistance to mask removal. An online survey was conducted with 914 participants, of which 810 were valid. Three factors about anxiety related to mask removal were identified through the survey: “anxiety about being seen without a mask,” “social anxiety about not wearing a mask,” and “anxiety about being infected with COVID-19 or other diseases.” The study confirmed the reliability and validity of the scale to a certain extent. It also explored the correlation between each anxiety factor and resistance to mask removal. The results showed a positive correlation between all three factors identified among both men and women. The study suggested that in Japan, anxieties related to mask removal may lead to resistance when the decision to wear a mask is left to an individual's judgment, regardless of gender.

  • 名越 斉子, 山口 一大, 石隈 利紀
    論文ID: 96.23217
    発行日: 2024年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー HTML 早期公開

    Using primarily normative data, this study examined the validity of the Japanese McCloskey Executive Functions Scale (J-MEFS), a teacher-rated scale for elementary and junior high school students, considering its evidence based internal structure and relationship to other variables. Confirmatory factor analysis for the group with no special educational needs (non-SEN; 556 males and 558 females) showed a good relative fit to the structure of the McCloskey model, which consists of two layers (self-regulation, self-realization/self-determination), nine clusters, and 36 subscales. Analysis of internal correlations and correlations with other variables showed that each layer measured a different aspect of executive function (EF). For the clusters and arenas of the second layer, internal correlation comparisons between the non-SEN (n = 556) and SEN (n = 111) male groups, as well as convergent and discriminative evidence consistent with previous research on non-SEN group (n = 1,114) academic judgment and problematic behavior in the SEN male small group, suggest that different EF aspects can be evaluated. This study discusses the evaluation of the SEN male's small growth with the J-MEFS and future issues.

  • 中井(松尾) 和弥, 大浦 真一
    論文ID: 96.23220
    発行日: 2024年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー HTML 早期公開

    The purpose of this study was to develop the Japanese version of the State Adult Attachment Measure (J-SAAM), which measures a momentary level of the sense of attachment security and insecurity, and to examine its reliability and validity. In Study 1 (N = 366), it was confirmed that the J-SAAM, like the original version, has a three-factor structure (security, anxiety, and avoidance) and that each subscale has sufficient internal consistency and criterion validity. In Study 2 (N = 245), participants were divided into Security Priming conditions and Neutral Priming conditions for the intervention. The results showed that the J-SAAM captured a certain degree of temporary fluctuations in the sense of attachment security and insecurity. These results suggest that the J-SAAM has similar properties as the original version and has acceptable reliability and validity.

  • 吉田 琢哉, 吉澤 寛之
    論文ID: 96.23223
    発行日: 2024年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー HTML 早期公開

    In order to promote research on school-community collaboration, there is a need to develop a scale that succinctly measures such collaboration. The present study developed a shortened version of the Teamwork Inventory for Community-based School Management (TICSM) for teachers. A web-based survey was administered to teachers in public elementary and junior high schools. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed a three-factor structure of the TICSM for teachers. A total of 14 items were deleted to shorten the TICSM for teachers. Then, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted again to test the model fit. To confirm measurement invariance in elementary and junior high schools, a multiple population confirmatory factor analysis was conducted, and the sufficient model fit of the scalar invariance model was confirmed. Criterion-related validity was confirmed in relation to group identification as a teacher group, workplace climate, trust in parents and community members, and positive attitude toward anchor point activities.

  • ──道徳的確信の役割に着目して──
    笠原 伊織, 三浦 拓海ガナー, 唐沢 穣
    論文ID: 95.22045
    発行日: 2024年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー 早期公開

    Viewing one’s political attitudes as moral imperatives is a significant risk factor for affective polarization. However, the psychological underpinnings of affective polarization are still unclear in multi-party societies, particularly in Asia. Through a survey, we revealed that participants regarded the eight major parties as either conservative- or liberal-oriented. We found a clear tendency of affective polarization regarding emotions toward those groups. Prominently, moral conviction exacerbated this tendency. We further investigated affective polarization in terms of explicit attitudes toward opposing party voters using social distancing, helping, and harming intention measures. Although we found no effects of moral conviction on helping and harming intentions, participants preferred somewhat greater social distance from the voters of their opposing parties. An exploratory analysis showed that affective polarization at the party level predicted those three behavioral intentions. The lack of generalized shared reality partially or fully mediated those relationships. Implications for affective polarization in Japan are discussed.

  • 渡邉 健蔵, 濱口 佳和
    論文ID: 95.23214
    発行日: 2024年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー 早期公開

    The present study aimed to develop a Japanese version of Bandura’s Moral Disengagement Scale for junior high and high school students and to examine its reliability and validity. A total of 1,262 junior high and high school students participated in a questionnaire survey; among them, 1,081 participants were included in the analysis. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on the participants, and the results showed that in a similar fashion to the original version, the Japanese version of the Moral Disengagement Scale had a one-factor structure and weak measurement invariance across gender. The scale demonstrated reliability and validity. These results suggest that the Japanese version of the Moral Disengagement Scale can be applied to Japanese junior high and high school students of both genders.

  • 三和 秀平, 解良 優基
    論文ID: 95.23219
    発行日: 2024年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー 早期公開

    This study developed a Japanese version of the Expectancy–Value–Cost Scale, which measures expectancy, value, and cost (EVC) in a brief format, and tested its validity. It administered a web-based survey to 789 elementary and junior high school students focusing on two subjects, namely, mathematics and English. The confirmatory factor analysis exhibited a good model fit in which EVC are distinct latent factors, replicating the results of previous studies. Likewise, the study obtained correlations with other variables as expected, confirming the validity of the scale. In addition, while the relationship between EVC for mathematics and learning intention in mathematics was strong, that between EVC for mathematics and learning intention in English tended to be weak, suggesting that EVC can differ according to subject and be applied to various subjects.

  • 吉崎 一人, 加藤 公子
    論文ID: 95.23316
    発行日: 2024年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー 早期公開

    Recent research has highlighted opposing congruency effects of eye gaze and arrows in spatial Stroop tasks. Specifically, when participants are prompted to determine the direction of laterally presented arrows or gaze cues, arrows elicit a standard spatial congruency effect, whereas gaze results in a reversed spatial congruency effect. This study investigated whether task demands modulate these differential spatial congruency effects. Participants (N = 44) engaged in position and direction identification tasks. The results indicate that opposing spatial congruency effects persisted in the direction identification task. However, regular spatial congruency effects were observed in the position identification task, regardless of the stimulus type. These results suggest that the unique nature of the social cue (gaze), as opposed to the nonsocial cue (arrow), is prominent when determining a target’s direction.

  • ──「目標の階層性」に着目して──
    外山 美樹, 長村 圭吾
    論文ID: 95.23322
    発行日: 2024年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー 早期公開

    Research has consistently demonstrated that failing to attain a sub-goal linked to a higher-level goal can undermine the pursuit of alternative sub-goals. In response to this phenomenon, this study tested the hypothesis that increasing awareness of the relationship between superordinate and sub-goals, or the goal hierarchy, enhances the determination to pursue alternative sub-goals when a particular sub-goal remains unachieved. In Study 1, “maintaining health” was the superordinate goal for an adult sample (n = 421). In Study 2, “enhancing creativity” was the superordinate goal for another adult sample (n = 361). The findings provided robust support for the hypothesis. Consequently, this research established that encountering setbacks in achieving one sub-goal may compromise the pursuit of related sub-goals. However, introducing a hierarchy of goals can invigorate the pursuit of alternative sub-goals, facilitating progress towards the overarching goal. These findings underscore the significance of occasionally shifting strategies to optimize goal achievement and attain a goal rather than persisting with the same means (sub-goals). This study suggests that introducing a hierarchy of goals may promote abandoning difficult-to-achieve goals.

  • 馬 景昊, 豊田 秀樹, 大橋 洸太郎
    論文ID: 95.23211
    発行日: 2024年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/06/20
    ジャーナル フリー 早期公開

    In qualitative data analysis, comprehensive knowledge collection is considered important, and the degree of saturation serves as one of the indicators. The Zipf distribution method can be used for the quantitative estimation of the degree of saturation in question-and-answer format qualitative data. However, this method may overestimate the degree of saturation. To address this issue, this paper proposes a new approach using the approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) method, which reduces the bias in saturation estimation. Furthermore, through simulations, we compared the bias between this new estimation method and the existing one, demonstrating that the estimation using the ABC method has a higher accuracy. Moreover, we compared the differences and similarities between the two methods through case studies in practical operational settings.

  • 杉本 希映, 飯田 順子, 遠藤 寛子, 青山 郁子
    論文ID: 95.23212
    発行日: 2024年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/06/20
    ジャーナル フリー 早期公開

    In recent years, the role of parents and guardians in managing bullying among children has been attracting attention. The purpose of this study was to develop a bullying prevention program for parents and to examine if the program would change parental self-efficacy for managing bullying among children. In Study 1, a questionnaire was administered to 724 parents with elementary and junior high school students, and a “Parent’s Knowledge of Bullying scale” and a “Parent Bullying Self-Efficacy scale” were developed. The reliability and validity of the two scales were confirmed in Study 1. Based on the results of Study 1, in Study 2, a bullying prevention program for parents was developed, and the effectiveness was examined with 47 parents with elementary school-aged children. The results of Study 2 showed that the program had an effect on increasing parental self-efficacy to manage bullying. These results discuss the importance of a parent bullying prevention program.
