Shintaro Ochi, Yuichi Nishiyama, Akinori Morita
Article type: book-review
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Radiation damage to normal tissues is a serious concern in radiation therapy. Advances in radiotherapeutic technology have improved the dose distribution of the target volumes and risk organs, but damage to risk organs that are located within the irradiation field still limits the allowable prescription dose. To overcome this dose-limiting toxicity, and to further improve the efficacy of radiotherapy, the development of drugs that protect normal tissues but not cancer tissues from the effects of radiation are expected to be developed based on molecular target-based drugs. p53 is a well-known transcription factor that is closely associated with radiation-induced cell death. In radiation-injured tissues, p53 induces apoptosis in hematopoietic lineages, whereas it plays a radioprotective role in the gastrointestinal epithelium. These facts suggest that p53 inhibitor would be effective for radioprotection of the hematopoietic system, and that a drug that upregulates the radioprotective functions of p53 would enhance the radioresistance of gastrointestinal tissues. In this review, we summarize recent progress regarding the prevention of radiation injury by regulating p53 and provide new strategic insights into the development of radioprotectors in radiotherapy. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 219-223, August, 2019
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Koichi Sairyo, Kazuta Yamashita, Hiroaki Manabe, Yoshihiro Ishihama, K ...
Article type: book-review
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Full-endoscopic spinal surgery was first developed for the lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus. Mainly, there are two types in the full-endoscopic lumbar surgery : i.e., transforaminal (TF) and interlaminar approach. The surgery can be done under the local anesthesia for the TF approach ; therefore, we need to further develop the TF approach to variety of the spinal disorders. Recently, the TF full-endoscopic surgery has been applied for the spinal canal stenosis. First, transforaminal full-endoscopic lumbar foraminoplasty for the foraminal stenosis ; then, transforaminal lumbar lateral recess decompression for the lateral recess stenosis has been developed. Finally, we have developed the surgical technique to decompress the central stenosis via TF approach under the local anesthesia. Prior to initiate the clinical case, we have attempted the lumbar undercutting laminectomy using a fresh cadaveric spine. After we technically confirmed that the transforaminal full-endoscopic lumbar undercutting laminectomy (TE-LUL) is possible, we applied the technique to the patient whose lung capacity did not allow general anesthesia. The 72 years old female patient with central canal stenosis could be improved her left leg pain and muscle weakness after TE-LUL under the local anesthesia. In this paper, we introduce the surgical technique of the TE-LUL and discuss of the efficacy of the TE-LUL. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 224-229, August, 2019
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Kazumi Takaishi, Hiroshi Kitahata
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Ferritin, an iron storage protein, plays an important role in iron homeostasis. The mechanism of reductive mobilization of iron from ferritin has not been clarified yet despite many studies. The aim of this study was to assess the mechanisms of the mobilization of iron from ferritin by NADPH P-450 reductase. Nucleotide-dependent flavoenzymes generated significant mobilization of iron from ferritin. The possibility of reductive mobilization of iron from ferritin by electrons released from flavin sites or heme site of two flavoenzymes was investigated to elucidate the mediator-independent mechanisms of such reductive mobilization. The mobilization by NADPH-P450 reductase in the presence of ferricyanide increased threefold, while in the presence of cytochrome C increased thirteen-fold. These results indicate that electrons released from both flavins of NADPH-P450 reductase contribute to the reductive mobilization of iron from ferritin. The mechanism of the mobilization of iron from ferritin is discussed. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 230-232, August, 2019
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Chisa Fujimoto, Koichi Tamura, Shizuka Takaishi, Ikuji Kawata, Yoshiak ...
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
According to JESREC criteria, definite eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis (ECRS) is postoperatively diagnosed based on over 70 eosinophils in high power magnification fields of the resected nasal polyps in patients with probable ECRS. Preoperative systemic administration with steroid is a standard practice, because it reduced intraoperative bleeding during endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) in patients with ECRS. However, it was recently reported that systemic administration with steroid decreased the number of eosinophils in the nasal polyps, leading to a false negative diagnosis of definite ECRS. To overcome the risk, we have adopted short-term pre-operative systemic administration with low-dose of steroid and examined if our steroid administration makes a false-negative diagnosis. We performed a retrospective chart review of 42 patients with probable ECRS. Eleven patients were administered with 0.5 mg of bethametasone for 7 days before ESS, and other 31 patients were not administered. The average number of eosinophils in nasal polyps in patients who were administered with steroid was 188 ± 167, which was not different from 199 ± 149 in the patients who were not administered. These findings suggest that short-term preoperative administration with low-dose of steroid has few risk of a false-negative diagnosis of definite ECRS. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 233-236, August, 2019
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Hiroyuki Nodera, Kazuki Sogawa, Naoko Takamatsu, Shuji Hashiguchi, Mih ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Given the recent technological advent of muscle ultrasound (US), classification of various myopathic conditions could be possible, especially by mathematical analysis of muscular fine structure called texture analysis. We prospectively enrolled patients with three neuromuscular conditions and their lower leg US images were quantitatively analyzed by texture analysis and machine learning methodology in the following subjects : Inclusion body myositis (IBM) [N=11] ; myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) [N=19] ; polymyositis/dermatomyositis (PM-DM) [N=21]. Although three-group analysis achieved up to 58.8% accuracy, two-group analysis of IBM plus PM-DM versus DM1 showed 78.4% accuracy. Despite the small number of subjects, texture analysis of muscle US followed by machine learning might be expected to be useful in identifying myopathic conditions. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 237-240, August, 2019
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Masahiro Bando, Saeko Masumoto, Masashi Kuroda, Rie Tsutsumi, Hiroshi ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Background : Mediterranean diets have been linked to a reduced risk of cancer, vascular illnesses, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Olive oil is the primary fat source in the Mediterranean diet ; however, only a few studies have investigated the effect of olive oil on aging. In the present study, we aimed to determine whether consumption of olive oil significantly influences aging and memory in senescence-accelerated mouse-prone 8 (SAMP8). Methods : SAMP8 and senescence-accelerated mouse resistant 1 (SAMR1) mice were fed either 7% soy oil or 1% olive oil and 6% soy oil during a six-month study period. Reduction in memory in passive avoidance learning was examined after two months from the initiation of the experiment. Results : The weight of organs including the liver, kidney, spleen, and fat tissue changed significantly and memory performance was reduced in SAMP8 than in SAMR1 mice. There were no significant differences in SAMP8 and SAMR1 mice; however, blood triglyceride level decreased significantly in SAMP8 mice fed on olive oil. Conclusions : These results suggest that consuming olive oil may not have a protective role in aging and memory recall, but beneficial effects may be related to improvement in lipid metabolism. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 241-247, August, 2019
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Khalid Mahmood, Iftikhar Haider, Syed Omair Adil, Muhammad Ubaid, Abu ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
The assessment of non-invasive parameters for the prediction of large esophageal varices among patients with liver cirrhosisis is of utmost importance. In this study, non-invasive parameters for prediction of large esophageal varices were retrospectively evaluated. The presence of esophageal varices grade III and IV was classified as large esophageal varices positive while no varices or grade I and II were classified as large esophageal varices negative. There were 473 (90.09%) patients with ascites [mild 38 (8.03%), moderate 257 (54.33%) and severe 178 (37.63%)]. Frequency of esophageal varices was found to be higher (n=415, 79.04%). Whereas, large esophageal varices were found in 251 (47.81%) patients. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predicted value, negative predicted value and test accuracy of thrombocytopenia in predicting large esophageal varices were found to be 88.05%, 59.85%, 66.77%, 84.54% and 73.33% respectively. A significant association for large esophageal varices was observed for low platelet counts (AOR : 0.98, 95% CI : 0.97-0.99), high bilirubin level (AOR : 1.22, 95% CI : 1.07-1.39), ascites (AOR : 1.98, CI : 1.02-3.85) and Child score A (AOR : 0.26, 95% CI : 0.09-0.75) and Child Score B (AOR : 0.42, 95% CI : 0.28-0.61). In conclusion, low platelet count, high bilirubin level and ascites are found to be non-invasive predictive factor for large esophageal varices. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 248-251, August, 2019
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Kazuta Yamashita, Kosuke Sugiura, Hiroaki Manabe, Yoshihiro Ishihama, ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Background : There is few reports evaluated accurately the pain generator of low back pain in elite athletes. The purpose of this report was to show case series and to investigate the cause of unidentified low back pain of elite athletes. Methods : Twenty-three adult elite athletes consulted our sports spine clinic to seek a second opinion for low back pain between April 2013 and March 2016. Their cause of low back pain had not been identified by nearby doctor. Spine surgeons had diagnosed using diagnostic injection and STIR-MRI and the final diagnosis made by the spine surgeon were collected. Results : The mean age of 23 patients (16 male, 7 female) was 30.4 years. The most common sport played was baseball. The final diagnosis made by a spine surgeon was as follows : disc related low back pain (n = 12), facet joint arthritis (n = 5), vertebral endplate injury (n = 4), early-stage lumbar spondylolysis (n = 1), supraspinous ligament injury (n = 1). Conclusions : A thorough medical interview, careful physical examination, appropriate diagnostic imaging, and injection block examination can effectively identify the cause of low back pain. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 252-257, August, 2019
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Harutaka Yamaguchi, Koj Sato, Keisuke Kawahito, Akiko Miyatake, Keisuk ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
[Introduction] The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in the preference of enteral tube feeding between elderly inhabitants of Mugi town, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan, and their parents in various physical conditions. [Methods] This population-based questionnaire survey studied 300 randomly selected participants aged 65–80 years. Respondents were to consider a situation where eating was difficult, and were questioned on their desire for tube feeding, using a visual analogue scale (VAS) ranging from “do not want tube feeding (0)” to “want tube feeding (100).” [Results] Valid responses of 103 (34.4%) participants were analyzed. Under conditions of being “healthy,” “bedridden,” “with dementia,” and “bedridden and with dementia,” the median (IQR) of the VAS values for the desire for tube feeding were 31.8 (3.3 to 83.8), 19.3 (2.4 to 52.3), 5.2 (0.7 to 18.9), 4.0 (0.3 to 15.2) for respondents and 55.2 (11.6 to 92.2), 48.7 (5.5 to 85.5), 9.0 (1.2 to 46.8), 5.1 (0.1 to 36.5) for parents, respectively. The VAS values for the parents were significantly higher (p=0.001, 0.002, 0.001, and 0.01, respectively for the four conditions described) for the same items. [Conclusion] Surrogate decisions made by family members often differ from what the patients would have desired. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 258-263, August, 2019
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Tadahiro Nozoe, Mayuko Kono, Sosei Kuma, Eiji Tsujita, Takefumi Ohga
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
BACKGROUND. Both serum elevation of C-reactive protein (CRP) and reduction of lymphocyte in the peripheral blood has been known as indicator for malignant potential of human tumors. METHODS. Whether newly devised CLS (CRP/Lymphocyte Score), based on combined data of serum elevation of CRP and of lymphocyte percentage in the peripheral blood can be an indicator for progressive potential in colorectal carcinoma was examined in 280 cases who had been surgically treated. RESULTS. Significant difference in survival was observed both between CLS 0 and 1 and between CLS 1 and 2, in both cases when analyzed among whole patients and patient who had been treated with curative resection. Multivariate analysis among patients who had been treated with curative resection demonstrated that CLS (P < 0.0001), histologic type (P = 0.0003), and tumor stage (P = 0.039) were factors independently associated with worse prognosis of the patients. CONCLUSIONS. Newly devised criteria CLS could be an independent prognostic indicator in colorectal carcinoma and would be utilized as a helpful information. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 264-268, August, 2019
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Yukari Tsubata, Mika Nakao, Yoshihiro Amano, Takamasa Hotta, Megumi Ha ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Purpose We assessed the efficacy of palonosetron (PAL) in comparison to granisetron (GRA) for the treatment of CINV using the self-assessment questionnaires. In addition, we analyzed the serum levels of emetic various biomarkers. Methods We conducted a randomized study of 70 patients naïve to chemotherapy. The primary endpoint was the late phase score on the MAT questionnaire. The plasma concentrations of the biomarkers were measured on days 1 and 3. Results There were no statistical differences in the scores on the questionnaires, but the mean values in response to PAL were higher than those in response to GRA. The value of ghrelin on day 1 was significantly higher for GRA than for PAL. Conclusions For the primary endpoint, the score of the late phase on the MAT questionnaire was not statistically different between the PAL and GRA treatment groups. Further studies are needed to clarify the role of ghrelin for the treatment of CINV. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 269-274, August, 2019
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Tsuyoshi Goto, Toshinori Sakai, Kosuke Sugiura, Hiroyuki Manabe, Fumit ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Purpose : To evaluate the stabilizing effects of a Fit Cure-Spine® semi-rigid thoracolumbar orthosis and wearer satisfaction after lumbar surgery. Methods : In study 1, the spinal angle, spinal motion angle, and distribution of load were measured in 8 adult male volunteers when the orthosis was worn (1) with no custom-made stay (CMS), (2) with a CMS in the prone position (P-CMS), and (3) with a CMS in the prone position and decreased lordosis (DP-CMS). In study 2, pain scale scores and responses to a questionnaire were recorded in 40 consecutive patients who underwent lumbar spinal surgery in our hospital. Results : In study 1, the mean lumbar lordosis when standing was similar to that in the prone position. When the trunk was bent forward, loads on the back support in P-CMS and DP-CMS were concentrated at the center of the CMS, unlike those for No-CMS. In study 2, there was a significant decrease in postoperative wound pain after wearing the Fit Cure-Spine orthosis for 2 weeks. Most patients who wore the orthosis were satisfied with their pain outcome. Conclusion : Adjustment to lumbar lordosis and the prone position was restricted in volunteers wearing the Fit Cure-Spine with a CMS. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 275-279, August, 2019
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Masaaki Nishi, Kozo Yoshikawa, Jun Higashijima, Takuya Tokunaga, Chie ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate the utility the three-dimensional (3D) imaging for laparoscopic gastrectomy performed by trainee surgeons. Methods 3D-reconstruction was performed using multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) and SYNAPSE VINCENT software. Trainee surgeons made 3D-imaging and checked the anatomical structure. Thirty-three patients who underwent laparoscopic gastrectomy (LG) for gastric cancer were examined. Trainees performed 19 LG, while specialists performed 14 LG. The vascular pattern and the surgical outcomes were evaluated. Result 3D imaging depicted the correct positional relationship between the gastric vasculatures and the organs. Regarding vascular pattern detected by 3D imaging, the origins of the infrapyloric artery were the right gastroepiploic artery in 12 cases (36%), the gastroduodenal artery in eight cases (24%), the bifurcation of the right gastroepiploic artery and gastroduodenal artery in seven cases (21%), and not detected in one case (3%). The types of confluence of the infrapyloric vein were the right gastroepiploic vein in 16 cases (48%), the anterior superior pancreatoduodenal vein in 10 cases (30%), and not detected in seven cases (21%). Surgical outcomes were not different between trainee group using intraoperative 3D image with the specialist in instruction group without the intraoperative 3D image. Conclusions Preoperative 3D imaging might contribute to successful and safe LG by trainee surgeons. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 280-284, August, 2019
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Shinichiro Yamada, Shigehiko Yagi, Koichi Sato, Mikiya Shin’e, Akimasa ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Purpose : Postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) is a serious complication after gastrectomy for gastric cancer. The purpose of this study is to identify the risk factor of POPF and evaluate C-reactive protein on postoperative day 1 (POD1) as the predictor for POPF after laparoscopic gastrectomy (LG). Methods : Between May 2013 and September 2016, 226 patients who underwent LG for gastric cancer were investigated. Patients were divided into 2 groups; POPF group (n = 17) and control group (n = 209). Clinicopathological factors were compared between 2 groups. Results : In POPF group, there are more male patients (p = 0.003) compared with control group. Preoperative factors, such as age, BMI, and prevalence of previous operation and comorbidity showed no significant difference between 2 groups. Regarding tumor factors and perioperative data such as blood loss and operative time, there were also no significant difference between 2 groups. POPF group showed longer postoperative hospital stay, and higher serum CRP level on POD1 (p < 0.0001). Multivariate analysis revealed that high CRP level on POD1 ( ≥ 3mg/dl) was independent risk factor of POPF. Conclusions : High serum CRP level on POD1 can predict the occurrence of POPF. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 285-288, August, 2019
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Hideya Kashihara, Mitsuo Shimada, Kozo Yoshikawa, Jun Higashijima, Tom ...
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Introduction : The number of patients who undergo laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) has been increasing. Department of Surgery, Tokushima University performed the first LSG in 2013. The aim of this study was to report the results of the initial ten cases who underwent a LSG. Patients and methods : Ten obese patients : five males and five females ; age range from thirty-three years to fifty-six years (mean age 42.2 years) ; mean body mass index (BMI) 50.3 ; five with diabetes ; nine with hypertension (HT) ; four with hyperlipidemia (HL) ; eight with sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) who underwent LSG were enrolled in this study. The data was analyzed retrospectively and included short- and long-term outcomes. Results : There were no post-operative complications in this study. The %EWL at three and six months and one year post-operative were 44.2%, 50.2% and 48.6% respectively. In three months post-operative the non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) had improved transaminase (AST/ALT), liver to spleen ratio in plain CT value. Improvements were also evident in the obesity-related diseases : diabetes 80% (4/5) ; HT 67% (6/9) ; HL 75% (3/4) ; and SAS 88% (7/8). Conclusion : LSG is a promising option for the treatment of morbid obesity and obesity-related diseases. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 289-292, August, 2019
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Mariko Aoyama, Hiromitsu Takizawa, Mitsuhiro Tsuboi, Shinichi Yamasaki ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Endoscopic surgery has been introduced in various surgical fields. Endoscopic surgery requires different skills from open surgery due to the restricted surgical field and difficulty in identifying anatomical structures from certain viewpoints. Therefore, surgeons need to undergo sufficient surgical training before performing such surgery in the clinical setting. We examined the utility of fresh frozen human cadavers for surgical training aimed at introducing video-assisted neck surgery (VANS) at our department. First, we performed surgical training using fresh human cadavers four times. Next, we performed hemi-thyroidectomy with VANS in 5 clinical patients. After the cadaver training and the actual surgery, the surgeons evaluated each step of the surgical procedure using a 3-point scale. In the cadaver training, the scores for steps : creation of a subcutaneous tunnel and lifting up the skin flap and pre-thyroid muscles were higher than other steps. And a tracheal injury occurred as a complication. However, we were able to recognize anatomical structures under the endoscopic view. And it was also useful for confirming the role of surgical staff and simulating the placement of surgical equipment. Surgical training using fresh frozen human cadavers was effective at introducing a new surgical method. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 293-296, August, 2019
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Toshiyuki Yasui, Yuki Ideno, Yoko Onizuka, Junko Nakajima-Shimada, Hir ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
The change in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) during the menopausal transition and associations of FSH with various diseases have been assessed by using blood samples. We examined cross-sectionally the variation of FSH levels, associations of estrone and estradiol with FSH, and associations of BMI with these hormones by using urinary samples from peri- and postmenopausal women in Japan. Of 4472 participants in the Urinary Isoflavone Concentration Survey of the Japan Nurses’ Health Study, we analyzed urinary levels of estrone, estradiol and FSH in 547 women aged from 45 to 54 years. Urinary FSH levels varied widely in postmenopausal women and the pattern of change in urinary FSH levels seems to be similar to that in blood FSH levels in previous studies. There were no significant differences in age, body mass index (BMI), estradiol, estrone and estradiol/estrone ratio among three groups according to the tertile of FSH. In postmenopausal women, there were significant associations of BMI with levels of estrone and estradiol, but there was no significant association of BMI with FSH. Studies using urinary samples will allow us to establish a study project as a large-scale population-based study to determine associations between FSH and various diseases after menopause. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 297-302, August, 2019
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Yuta Uemura, Yoko Sakai, Yasuo M. Tsutsumi, Nami Kakuta, Chiaki Muraka ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Study Objective : the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) following single-injection intraarticular anesthesia was compared to that following continuous epidural anesthesia. Design : Prospective, double-blind, randomized study. Setting : University-affiliated teaching hospital. Patients : Forty-eight patients finally participated in this study, and each group contained twenty-four patients. Interventions : Patients scheduled to undergo lower limb surgery under general anesthesia were randomly allocated into two groups, to receive either single-injection intraarticular or continuous epidural anesthesia for postoperative analgesia. Measurements : The incidence and severity of PONV, complete response rates (i.e., no vomiting or rescue antiemetic use), and pain scores were recorded 2, 24, and 48 h postoperatively. Main results : No significant differences between groups were observed in the incidence and severity of PONV, rescue antiemetic use, or complete response rate at any of the time points, but only the use of rescue analgesics was significantly less in continuous epidural anesthesia group during the 2-24h postoperative period (P=0.04). Conclusion : While the use of single-injection intraarticular anesthesia following lower limb surgery did not prevent PONV more than continuous epidural anesthesia in this study, the intraarticular technique still provides greater simplicity, safety, and cost-effectiveness. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 303-307, August, 2019
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Enkh-Amgalan Dolgorsuren, Masafumi Harada, Yuki Kanazawa, Takashi Abe, ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Purpose : To compare data on brain tumors derived from intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) and arterial spin labeling (ASL) imaging with multiple parameters obtained on dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) perfusion MRI and to clarify the characteristics of IVIM and ASL perfusion data from the viewpoint of cerebral blood flow (CBF) analysis. Methods : ASL-CBF and IVIM techniques as well as DSC examination were performed in 24 patients with brain tumors. The IVIM data were analyzed with the two models. The relative blood flow (rBF), relative blood volume (rBV) corrected relative blood volume (crBV), mean transit time (MTT), and leakage coefficient (K2) were obtained from the DSC MRI data. Results : The ASL-CBF had the same tendency as the perfusion parameters derived from the DSC data, but the permeability from the vessels had less of an effect on the ASL-CBF. The diffusion coefficient of the fast component on IVIM contained more information on permeability than the f value. Conclusion : ASL-CBF is more suitable for the evaluation of perfusion in brain tumors than IVIM parameters. ASL-CBF and IVIM techniques should be carefully selected and the biological significance of each parameter should be understood for the correct comprehension of the pathological status of brain tumors. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 308-313, August, 2019
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Yoshifumi Mizobuchi, Kohei Nakajima, Toshitaka Fujihara, Kazuhito Mats ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Objective : One major complication associated with STB is intratumoral hematoma, which is also the most common cause of morbidity related to permanent paralysis and mortality in STB. The risk of perioperative hemorrhage is generally between 1% and 10%, but this could be an underestimation since it is not common for many neurosurgeons to perform CT scans after uncomplicated STBs. In this study, we describe the incidence of cerebral hemorrhage, including asymptomatic cerebral hemorrhage. Methods : We recently reviewed data on the diagnosis rate and occurrence of complications, including symptomatic and asymptomatic cerebral hemorrhage, in 80 patients who underwent STB at our facility between 2005 and 2014. Results : Histological diagnosis was established for 75 cases (93.8%), glioma was the most frequently encountered tumor. Symptomatic hemorrhage was observed in two cases (2.6%), with the symptoms subsiding within two days. The morbidity and mortality rate was 0%. However, asymptomatic hemorrhages were observed in 23 cases (28.8%). Conclusion : Stereotactic biopsy is a less invasive procedure for obtaining samples of brain tumors for diagnosis. The bleeding of the tissue-resection cavity that includes asymptomatic hemorrhage occurs at a constant rate. It is important to reduce the symptomatic bleeding associated with stereotactic biopsy. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 314-318, August, 2019
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Kenichiro Araki, Norifumi Harimoto, Ryo Muranushi, Kouki Hoshino, Kei ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Background : Systemic chemotherapy can drastically downsize metastatic liver tumors and these small liver lesions could sometimes be difficult for surgeons to detect during hepatectomy. We assessed the usefulness of intraoperative real-time virtual sonography (RVS) with contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) using ‘Sonazoid’ contrast agent (RVS-CEUS). Methods : We performed the intraoperative RVS-CEUS technique on 10 tumor lesions in six cases, which were scheduled for hepatic resection of < 10 mm in diameter in our liver metastases series. These lesions were preoperatively diagnosed by contrast enhanced-computed tomography (CE-CT) or Gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA)-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (EOB-MRI). We assessed the detectability of a tumor with RVS-CEUS during surgery and compared it with that of preoperative CE-CT or EOB-MRI. Results : Detectability of RVS-CEUS for 10 small lesions was 90% (n = 9/10) and that of other preoperative modalities were 50% (n = 5/10, CE-CT) and 100% (n = 10/10, EOB-MRI). Minimum tumor size detected was 3.0 mm in diameter, and maximum depth of detection with RVS-CEUS was 43.5 mm ; these results could be an advantage when compared with other intraoperative diagnostic modalities. Conclusion : Intraoperative RVS-CEUS was useful for detecting small metastatic liver lesions after chemotherapy and could be an effective intraoperative diagnostic technique for hepatic resection of a size < 10 mm. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 319-323, August, 2019
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Daichi Asanuma, Ryo Momosaki
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Characteristics of rehabilitation services probably explain a large proportion of the variation in clinical outcomes following hip fracture. The aim of this study was to clarify rehabilitation characteristics of high-performance hospitals after hip fracture. This is a retrospective observational study using the Japan Rehabilitation Database for the period 2005–2015. We divided facilities into high-FIM efficiency and low-FIM efficiency hospitals by using the mean of Functional Independence Measure efficiency for each hospital. We compared rehabilitation characteristics between high- and low-FIM efficiency hospitals. We identified 1247 patients with hip fracture from 12 hospitals who were eligible for analysis after applying exclusion criteria. Using one-to-one random matching on admission Functional Independence Measure, 880 pairs of patients were included for final analysis. More patients were discharged home in the high-FIM efficiency hospitals compared with low-FIM efficiency hospitals. High-FIM efficiency hospitals had significantly shorter length of stay. Patients in high-FIM efficiency hospitals received higher amounts of daily rehabilitation, early rehabilitation, and preoperative rehabilitation. Patients in high-FIM efficiency hospitals engaged in more weekend exercise and self-exercise. Our data suggested that the amount, timing, and type of rehabilitation are essential indicators of performance in acute hip fracture. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 324-327, August, 2019
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Yumi Kuwamura, Eijiro Sakamoto, Masuko Sumikawa, Munehide Matsuhisa, D ...
Article type: research-article
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Aims : To compare assessment of the oral health conditions and behaviors of in-patients with diabetes using a clinical version of the Diabetes Oral Health Assessment Tool (C-DiOHAT©) with dental examinations. Methods : A cross-sectional design was used. A nurse assessed 60 in-patients using the C-DiOHAT© (a formatted questionnaire to assess four factors of patients’ oral health conditions and behaviors : oral health conditions, oral hygiene behaviors, sharing health information among patients and dental/medical professionals, and perception and knowledge of oral health) while a dentist examined their oral health conditions. Results : “Use of supplementary tools (e.g., interdental brush, dental floss)” in the item of C-DiOHAT© was significantly associated with dental examination of “the number of present teeth” and “no recommendation of further dental visit”. “Symptoms of gingival swelling” in the item of C-DiOHAT© was also significantly associated with “recommendation of dental visit”. “Knowledge of a relationship between periodontal disease and systemic disease including diabetes” was significantly associated with Community Periodontal Index. Conclusions : These results suggest that nurses should prioritize these assessment items to most quickly acquire useful information about patients’ oral health. It is important to encourage nurses to be interested in patients’ oral health by such small pile of clue. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 328-336 August, 2019
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Kayo Hirose, Makoto Ogura, Yoshitsugu Yamada
Article type: case-report
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Recent advancements in intensive care have increased the number of severe anorexia nervosa patients presenting for surgery. We provided anesthesia to a patient who had a 22-year history of anorexia with life-threatening cirrhosis. Although surgery should be avoided in patients with end-stage cirrhosis, she was in the best preoperative optimized condition compared to her condition over the past few years. Potential complications are heart failure easily caused by deterioration of cirrhosis, lethal arrhythmias related to electrolyte disturbances and increased myocardial sensitivity to drugs, and refeeding syndrome in the postoperative period. The several rare events that we experienced are worth reporting. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 337-339, August, 2019
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Yoshihiro Ishihama, Fumitake Tezuka, Hiroaki Manabe, Kazuta Yamashita, ...
Article type: case-report
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
A 73-year-old woman complained of right medial side of scapular pain associated with winged scapula to miss without observing the back in minute detail. Additional treatment was required due to overlooking caused by insufficient examination. We performed micro-endoscopic foraminotomy that provided the disappearance of scapular pain and improvement of winged scapula in relatively early. It was commonly said that winged scapula is an extremely rare condition that causes dysfunction of the upper extremities. We suggest that there are the meaning of winged scapula in diagnosis and the importance of physical examination. Further studies should be required to research the morbidity of winged scapula associated with cervical disease. By sharing our experience of this attention arousing case, we provide information not to repeat the same mistakes. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 340-343, August, 2019
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Shusuke Yagi, Itsuro Endo, Taichi Murakami, Tetsuya Hida, Yousuke Yama ...
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Immunoglobulin A vasculitis (IgAV), formerly known as Henoch-Schönlein purpura, primarily occurs during childhood between the ages of 3 and 15 years and is the most common form of systemic vasculitis in children ; its occurrence in adults has been rarely reported. Such low incidence could be attributable to either under-diagnosis or misdiagnosis. Thus, not only pediatricians but also physicians should be able to diagnose IgAV accurately to manage the patients appropriately and avoid its associated complications. In addition, treatment of adult onset IgAV with renal involvement has not been fully established yet. We describe here a case of adult onset IgAV complicated by proteinuria and pharyngitis, which was cured by no specific treatment. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 344-346, August, 2019
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Shusuke Yagi, Robert Zheng, Seiichi Nishiyama, Yutaka Kawabata, Takayu ...
Article type: case-report
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Primary non-Hodgkin bone lymphoma (PBL) can involve solitary or multiple destructive bone lesions such as those of the femur or pelvis humerus, and some cases have osteolytic lesions. PBL is a rare disease in adults. Thus, PBL is rarely considered a differential diagnosis of the osteolytic tumor. In addition, PBL can be underdiagnosed because patients do not experience symptoms or show objective abnormalities in the early stage. Here, we reported an elderly patient with PBL in multiple bones, including the cranial and femoral bones that were fractured due to falling. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 347-350, August, 2019
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Toshihiro Wada, Masaki Hanibuchi, Atsuro Saijo
Article type: case-report
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
An 80-year-old man was referred to our hospital for further examination of fever, cough and left pleural effusion. The laboratory findings showed acute inflammation, and the elevation of albumin-corrected serum calcium and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. A chest CT revealed centrilobular particulate opacity in the bilateral lung fields and left pleural effusion, indicating acute hypercalcemia and hypervitaminosis D associated with pulmonary tuberculosis. By the confirmation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on polymerase chain reaction and cultures of the sputum and pleural effusion, a diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis was made. The patient successfully completed a 9-month course of the anti-tuberculosis treatment, and bilateral infiltrative shadows and left pleural effusion in chest X-ray disappeared. Symptoms progressively improved and serum level of albumin-corrected calcium and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 eventually normalized. While pulmonary tuberculosis is an infrequent cause of hypercalcemia, it should be considered in patients with hypercalcemia and elevated serum level of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 351-354, August, 2019
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Hiroshi Kagusa, Yoshifumi Mizobuchi, Kohei Nakajima, Toshitaka Fujihar ...
Article type: case-report
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
Metastatic tumors to the orbit of the eye, especially from primary carcinomas of the uterine cervix are very rare. A 64-year-old woman with a history of carcinoma of the uterine cervix presented with right eye pain and blepharoptosis for 2 weeks. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a mass at the right orbital apex. Surgical extirpation was performed due to severe pain. Postoperative pathology demonstrated a poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. The origin was ultimately considered to be the carcinoma of the uterine cervix. In conclusion, this report describes a rare case of a metastatic tumor at the orbital apex derived from the cervix of the uterus. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 355-357, August, 2019
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Yuto Sugimine, Kentaro Sakaeda, Kazuta Yamashita, Hiroaki Manabe, Kosu ...
Article type: case-report
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
In this paper, we present 2 cases of herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP) combined with the residual bony fragment of apophyseal ring fracture. HNP typically exists at the narrow lateral recess formed by the bony fragment, and so it has been reported that symptoms may persist. Case 1 was a 22-year-old man, a high-level javelin thrower and Paralympic athlete. He had a history of persistent pain for 4 years due to HNP, and so we performed surgical removal. Case 2 was a 23-year-old male professional baseball player. He was referred to us only 17 days after the onset of pain and presented with muscle weakness, a feature which may prolong the clinical course in addition other features such as pain. Thus, we performed a comparatively quick intervention of surgical removal. In both cases, we had excellent clinical outcomes and better function and performance. In conclusion, in cases with HNP and apophyseal ring separation, surgical intervention in the comparatively early phase can be recommended, particularly if the patients desire quick return to their original level of activity. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 358-361, August, 2019
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Keizo Wada, Hiroshi Mikami, Rui Amari, Shunichi Toki, Michihiro Takai, ...
Article type: other
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
A novel three-dimensional fragment-based classification system based on computed tomography findings was established to characterize femoral intertrochanteric fractures. The intertrochanteric bone fragments were defined as follows : neck, posterior portion of the greater trochanter, anterior portion of the greater trochanter, lesser trochanter, and shaft. Each type of fracture was classified as 2-, 3-, 4-, or 5-fragment according to the number of floating bone fragments. Following the description of the fracture type, each floating bone fragment was appended, with the exception of a fragment involving the shaft. Ninety-five intertrochanteric fractures were classified by the same surgeon. The fractures occurred in 14 men and 81 women with a mean age of 84.7 years. The frequency of each type of fracture was investigated. Thirty-one fractures (32.6%) were 2-fragment and 64 (67.4%) were ≥ 3-fragment. A fragment of the anterior portion of the greater trochanter, which cannot be classified using conventional systems, was included in 29 cases (30.5%). A 5-fragment fracture was detected in two cases (2.1%). Using this fragment-based classification system, intertrochanteric fractures can be evaluated in more detail than is possible using conventional classification systems. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 362-366, August, 2019
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Keizo Wada, Daisuke Hamada, Tomoya Takasago, Mitsuhiro Kamada, Tomohir ...
Article type: other
2019 Volume 66 Issue 3.4 Pages
Published: 2019
Released on J-STAGE: October 25, 2019
The aim of this cadaveric study was to evaluate the intraoperative kinematics of the native knee including two-dimensional translation of the femur using a navigation system. Eight native knees of 4 fresh-frozen whole-body cadavers were used for the study. The kinematics of each knee were analyzed intraoperatively using the navigation system. Although anterior-posterior translation could not be assessed directly, it could be calculated using a formula derived from the parameters in the navigation system. The native knee showed external rotation of the femur in early knee flexion, transient internal rotation in mid flexion, and gradual external rotation in late flexion. There was no marked change in the coronal rotation angle of the mechanical axis during knee flexion. The femoral center moved anteriorly in early knee flexion and posteriorly in late flexion. The distance moved in the medial-lateral direction was relatively smaller than that in the anterior-posterior direction. Two-dimensional translation of the surgical epicondylar axis showed a medial pivot-like motion. In this cadaveric study, the kinematics of the native knee, including two-dimensional translation of the femur, could be satisfactorily assessed intraoperatively using a navigation system. The intraoperative kinematics of the knee can be analyzed in more detail using this methodology. J. Med. Invest. 66 : 367-371, August, 2019
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