Previous work on elaboration mainly focuses on expression-level and/or structurelevel technologies such as correction of typing errors, detection and indications of the complexity of syntactic structures, fluctuations of expressions and so on. In contrast, this paper deals with technologies to detect portions in each sentence, where readers feel difficult in reasoning contexts because of information defection. We constrain sentences in business writings used as communication media to transfer information correctly. This problem is placed in a semantic-level elaboration that has not been studied sufficiently. According to “cooperative principle” in pragmatics, there are principles for information defection or information overload that are called “maxims of quantity”. This paper only deals with information defection. The reason why this paper does not deal with information overload is that information overload only imposes burden on readers not to take account of redundant information. On the other hand, information defection leads to serious problems that make readers difficult to understand. The process from preparation of experiments to analyses is as follows. Firstly, we generate sentences where adnominal regions are eliminated. Secondly, we prepare correct data sets by subjective judgements whether examinees feel explanations are insufficient or not. Finally, we apply machine learning and automatic decision on this data. We used n-gram statistics and others to evaluate smoothness of connections between regions crossing missing portion of adnominal clause of a phrase. We obtain correct decision rate 67% in the result of about 1, 000 decision tasks used with SVMs, against base-line rate 50% and upper limit of correct decision rate 76% (determined by dispersion of decisions by human subjects).
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