Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is the task of choosing the right sense of a polysemous word given a context. It is obviously essential for many natural language processing applications such as human-computer communication, machine translation, and information retrieval. In recent years, much attention have been paid to improve the performance of WSD systems by using combination of classifiers. In (Kittler, Hatef, Duin, and Matas 1998), six combination rules including product, sum, max, min, median, and majority voting were derived with a number of strong assumptions, that are unrealistic in many situations and especially in text-related applications. This paper considers a framework of combination strategies based on different representations of context in WSD resulting in these combination rules as well, but without the unrealistic assumptions mentioned above. The experiment was done on four words
interest, line, hard, serve; on the DSO dataset it showed high accuracies with median and min combination rules.
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